The deb file of my binary release of Zcash v1.0.2 built on Ubuntu 16.04 (should run fine on 16.10 and Mint Cinnamon, too) is out, download is:
To install, run sudo dpkg -i zcash-1.0.2-amd64.deb
If you have not previously installed zcash, you may need to run sudo apt-get install libgomp1 (the deb spec file from ZcashCo does not pull it in correctly as a dependency; if they haven’t fixed that by the time the next release comes out I’ll probably tweak the deb file build script to do so).
As always, I’m not a ZcashCo employee, and my donation info to support my ports and non-debian binary releases is in my profile and on my website at
For 16.04 either should be fine…it’s other Ubuntu version users who have
been having issues with the Debian Jessie built deb’s, and those using
various Ubuntu derived distros, like Mint Cinnamon, that need my build.
Some of them were just having issues getting the apt repository added, and the zcashco page doesn’t have a clearly findable “click here to download the deb” link and “type this to install”, which I do, so that may be more of the issue than anything else!
@voluntary I went and looked at the libraries that the gitian builds (deterministic build system, used by bitcoin and others, too) zcashco puts out are linked against, and they are the same as mine. The zcash website’s instructions to add the apt repo are debian jessie specific, and that combined with no handy link to the deb (which is buried in the apt repo) are almost certainly the root of it.
For 16.04 either should be fine…it’s other Ubuntu version users who have
been having issues with the Debian Jessie built deb’s, and those using
various Ubuntu derived distros, like Mint Cinnamon, that need my build.
Good to know. Thanks for the info and for your help.