What are your Zcash earnings per day?

I just stumbled into this whole Zcash mining scene and i dont know much of anything i currently have my pc set up mining on an i3 with 8 gb ram i started it cuz it said you needed at least 4 gb ram is there any point in me mining on this pc?I have been mining 1hr and 23 minutes done 72949 transactions done about 3.1 sols on average so far and complete 8807 equihash solver runs what does this mean exactly lol i am sorry to be so clueles but this was just a shot in the dark can anyone offer me any tips and let me know if i should just quit it lol

How can I check my Sol/s Rate?

I am running my PC for two days and my balance stills 000000 :frowning:

Could anyone help me please?

a) paragraphs, they are your and your readers friends.
b) 4 GB ram is needed if you want to make a transaction, not for mining
c) Mining works on a principle of “Fastest person takes all the money” every block (so ~2.5 Minutes), so you compete against every other person out there as a solominer (i.e. you solving a block/getting Zcash this way is as likely as winning the lottery)
That’s why people mine together in a pool and split the earned Zcash between them, these are two popular pools at the moment:
Instructions are on the websites.

How much will I earn with 35sol/s?

in 4 days with ~220 H/s i’ve earned 0.08 ZEC, 0.02 ZEC/day from flypool

and also, 1 kwH of juice needs to be factored in to any profitability calcs

Go to some pool…:slight_smile:

0.00X sec/day at this time :wink:

its what i earned with 30H/s :astonished: in 4 days

well, i can’t work that one out, if you got the same as me with 30H/s then your a very lucky player !

no sorry bad reading lool, im tired forgot

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