I didn’t expect 100$, but I heard from someone that he is earning more than 12$ per day for single 7950 GPU.
And I see that single Zcash (ZEC) is worth around 900-1000$.
So 0,0004 * 1000$ = 0,4$. So my mistake, it’s not 0,04$, but 0,4$.
At least I think so.
My GPU is pulling 120W from the wall, so it costs me around 3kWh * 0,1€ = 0,30€ per day.
And if I get like 1,2$ and the end of the day, it’s less that 1 dollar profit per day.
I was hoping on at least 5€ profit per day if nothing else.
True, but I’m not looking to buy 100 of those GPUs xD
Can’t afford big spending right now.
I Have GTX 1070 in my system and one free PCI-e slot, so I’m thinking if I should invest in one more GPU just for mining 24/7.
My PSU is more than capable of powering 2 GPUs, just not 100% sure if I can use GTX 1070 and RX 470 on same motherboard at the same time.
And from what I heard, it will be always less profit. Right now you can make 30$ with your build, but after few months only like 10$ per day. At least that what I was told.
<I let my GPU and 6 threads from CPU run overnight and I made 0,0004 Zcash. That’s like 0,04$ if I’m not mistaken.>
with 38 sols/s you must expect over 0.006 ZEC/day and growing …
1 block gives around 2.07 ZECs …wihtih 30 days will be 12.5 ZECs, that means 6 times the amount you are getting right now…which is, 0.036 ZECs/day.
These are good news, however, bad new is price of the ZEC will go down, who knows till where…
I disagree. First, the reward will be 10 zec. Because the rest 2.5 is “I’m genius tax”
Second, this much simplification cannot be done. Who knows what will be difficulty after slow start phase. It’ll increase many fold certainty. So your net income will be much less than that.
well I also noticed that ZEC is worth 35% less each day.
So even if I will be able to increase my sol/s rate, I still won’t be getting that much money. If anything at all.
Right now my GTX 1070 is making around 32 sol/s and that is 1,5€ per day.
That GPU is rated to 150W usage, but with my monitoring software it’s acctually pulling 100W. Still that’s 0,36€ for electricity per day.
So my profit right now is just a bit more than 1€ per day.
And ZEC is still dropping, so soon, there won’t be any point to use GPU for mining.
Unless they optimise my GPU to be working at 100 sol/s, but even then it won’t be such a nice profit because price is droping like crazy.
Maybe ASCI miners will take over.
1 week ago when I first heard about this Zcash and tried it, I was making more than 15€ per day and I was so happy, but those dreams died, and to be honest, I’m not sure what future will Zcash hold.