What is the limit of receivers in one transaction?

10000?1000000?or no limit?

there’s some rpc tests which tx 1 zootoshi to 2-3k t-addresses, zcash/wallet.py at 3920292b4368a42cf56c7dc16fa324b60e24a8c8 · zcash/zcash · GitHub, but there’s no indication whether this is the actual limit or not.

in the wild, we have a case for shielded to publics tx’s where 1500 was the ceiling. see Update fee calculation and thresholds so that large z_sendmany transactions are mined · Issue #1851 · zcash/zcash · GitHub, Zcash pool - zec.nanopool.org - #103 by nanopool

thanks a lot (20202020)

don’t mention it.
we really need more documented cases.
if others have hit wall at a low|larger count, pl0x share specs; amount, count et cetera

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