I am installing zcash via the terminal in ubuntu.
It looks like the installer is being redirected from the zcash site to a folder on Amazonaws.com. Obviosly Im a bit worried about this, does not seem right.
Does this look like a hijack?
Ive tried to post the output of the installer but the forum wont let me post anything with more than 2 links in it.
Thanks for the reply Gareth. Im too worried about this to use the wallet, for now anyway. Looks to me like it could be, some kind of hack to the .htaccess file on the install servers. I think that is just sensible until I can confirm that that 301 redirect is ok.
Ill try again to post the code, not sure how many posts i have to make before the forum allows that so here goes…
Yes as I said it’s downloading the keys (which are obviously public) from S3. The content of these keys are then verified.
Did you follow the instructions here and checked the fingerprint of the signing key Home · zcash/zcash Wiki · GitHub as all releases are signed. The keys are huge hence coming from S3 but as I said above the contents of them are vaildated. It’s good to be overly cautious but this isn’t an attack.
@dobby I unhid your posts. Sorry for the spam false alarms; the policy is a little oversensitive to posting multiple links (because that’s such a strong heuristic for real spam). I’ll look at what settings are available to make it less sensitive.
Note that marking text containing domain names as code (using the </> button in the post editor) should stop them being interpreted as links, I think.