my wallet is up and yours ?
yes, my friend, yes
is it well filled? =)
I was hoping but seem im poor as a sprout
mine is taking years to compile…
my internet sucks 25 min just to fetch params
@Fillerix99 @cryptomined use the debian binary / repo cant go wrong
ill try that on this rig thanks
already upgrading wallet on my main laptop so…
oh and where is the debian package? i am a little sleep deprived, so maybe i missed it on git, is it in a forum post?[quote=“5thdimension, post:7, topic:4246”]
use the debian binary / repo cant go wrong
ok i think i found it thanks
and one quick last question, in the updrading section it says “Also make sure that your ~/.zcash directory contains only zcash.conf to start with”
now I had read that before i started but in my insomnia i forgot to delete it until after the git checkout step
is that ok?
my bad yup thats the one
lol no prob
and one quick last question, in the updrading section it says “Also
make sure that your ~/.zcash directory contains only zcash.conf to start
now I had read that before i started but in my insomnia i forgot to delete it (the testnet folder) until after the git checkout step
is that ok?
got so excited my brain fell out …
yeah even if it dont exist do nano ~/.zcash/zcash.conf copy the rpc tc (ctrl+x , yes , enter )
then if you installed debian from anywhere type zcashd --daemon
ok and in the instructions i only see generate z-addr, … no t-addr…
do I not generate a t-addr? only use the private address and no transparent address?
thast was for rc1@rc4
everything work fine its just i would do any transfer just quite yet
dont get confuse by T or Z adress picture z cash has a online paper wallet … T pub Z Priv
sorry i rephrase a blockchain paper wallet
ok and now in the instructions at the start it said
If you were playing with our alpha/beta/rc testnets, ensure that your ~/.zcash/zcash.conf does not contain testnet=1 or
so i deleted those 2 lines but left the last 2 lines password etc
then in teh Running section it says:
following commands:
mkdir -p ~/.zcash
echo “” >~/.zcash/zcash.conf
echo "rpcuser=username" >>~/.zcash/zcash.conf
echo “rpcpassword=head -c 32 /dev/urandom | base64
” >>~/.zcash/zcash.conf
thats cool right? i just run that and it will overwrite my existing conf?