Zcash 1.0.0 online

Should we avoid this minong pool?

Is the following good performance?

You want to have over 1000 Sol/s at least if you plan on solo mining, if not at least 10,000 sol/s to have any chance

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:+1: Thanks, time for me to give up while still ahead LOL

Cheers to a zero-knowledge cryptocurrency with secured funding for a new digital lifetime! Hope I can tell my grandkids about this time when 1 ZEC will be worth a yacht :smiley:

Hello friends, A QUESTION. I have 10 windows 64bit and I have drivers installed Crimson 15.12, and the few hours I automatically update to version 16.6 and so I do not properly Nicehash. Any solution to this problem?

If you are talking about nice hash’s miner, I think you are better off asking the question in that topic. Sorry I can’t be of more help

I cannot get nheqminer to work I keep getting BOOST_FOUND not FOUND, but yet the tromp miner works?!

Any ideas> using RHEL7


i have tadrr but i want to set only one taddr for mining.

spanish users?

mi correo es praxis87@hotmail.com , si alguien desea ayudarme, estare muy agradecido :slight_smile:

I have the same problem with Ubuntu Precise

Be sure to have libboost (name may vay from one distro to another) installed.

Also, take the time to read every(may not every one :wink: ) info that are returned during the compilation process to see if there is a message related to libboost.

As most of the information are explaining howto install&configure on Debian/Ubuntu distro, your best shot is to do it that way but I don’t see why it couldn’t work on RHEL.
So, if you have all the require stuff installed that should work but I can’t really say as I haven’t been using RHEL for a long time.

I’ve reinstalled the 1.0.0 because I had testnet" : false and now I’m still in the same situation even if everything seams to work properly, I’m confused, any idea about it? here below the situation :
“version” : 1000050,
“protocolversion” : 170002,
“walletversion” : 60000,
“balance” : 0.00000000,
“blocks” : 2674,
“timeoffset” : 0,
“connections” : 8,
“proxy” : “”,
“difficulty” : 67574.89720494,
“testnet” : false,
“keypoololdest” : 1477672190,
“keypoolsize” : 101,
“paytxfee” : 0.00000000,
“relayfee” : 0.00005000,
“errors” : “”
Thank all for any answer.

Try this

What does it show ?

this is the view:

8 mining threads
since starting this node 5 minutes 20 sconds
validated 4924 transactions
9.1 Sol/s
completed 2023 Equihash solver runs

Everything working fine on your side.

You might NEVER find a block in 100 years :slight_smile: unless ofcourse you get extremely lucky :stuck_out_tongue:

Using ~/zcash/./src/zcashd, it seams that it works properly but the line

“testnet” : false, seams other. ???

I know and I work in a pool, it’s better less than nothing :smile:

testnet: false is correct, it means you are on the mainnet :stuck_out_tongue:

When can we expect a windows wallet?

You can open wallet here - quick and easy : poloniex.com