Zcash4win updated to v1.0.11

Hello there everyone, as a few noticed in another thread, I have pushed out an update to version 1.0.11 on https;//zcash4win.com. It includes a version bump of zcashd.exe to v1.0.11 to track upstream from ZcashCo’s v1.0.11 for linux, stability fixes in the GUI when syncing the blockchain on systems with low resources (either RAM, network or CPU), and an (optional!) wallet dev fee which defaults to the same as the default transaction fee of 0.0001 ZEC. That’ll only nag you one time per session if you set it to zero. And seeing as how 40-60% of the zcash network’s full nodes are zcash4win installations, the fact that your transaction has an additional output of this dev fee only tells the world that you in one of that large number of users :slight_smile:

Oh and the sha256 hash of this release is:

41fb2845aa21bd955beeb282f8ce37ff753cd8d940b01f6936c1b572c0edf00e *zcash4win-1.0.11.msi


-David Mercer
Tucson, AZ


Thanks, David! Always an asset to this community. :smile:

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You’re very welcome!

Things planned for future versions:

-sending from multiple taddr’s to a taddr using legacy bitcoin commands
-list the actual unspent utxo’s in the GUI (useful for knowing how much to sweep at once for miners, etc)
-data directory and/or wallet in different location/drive
-shortcut icons in all the right places
sign the installer with a code signing cert

The more times someone fills in a wallet dev fee that’s higher than the default, the sooner all of these things can burble up to the top of the TODO list! :slight_smile:

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Thanx for support.
So, if i understand, just to deinstall v1010 and install 1011? No need to moving .dat and other files? All addreses will stay?

Yes, uninstalling 1.0.10 does NOT do anything to the wallet.dat file or the blockchain database, it doesn’t touch the programs data directory at all.

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