Zcash 1.0.0
Zcash is currently only available for Linux
Install guide: Zcash 1.0.0 online
Zcash 1.0.0
Zcash is currently only available for Linux
Install guide: Zcash 1.0.0 online
Yeah baby!!!
second? yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!
Congrats and may this be the beginning of a great new era of change and hope.
WHOO! Lets go! <3<3<3
Thanks! this is so amazing!
I’m stuck after fetching the “boost”
/home/user/zcash/depends/sources/boost_1_62_0.tar.bz2: OK
what am i doing wrong?
Very exciting! Good luck!
may use this for ubuntu?
you might be out of memory for building
yes! Debian packages work for Ubuntu.
What nodes should I use?
Do we need to install this latest version on linux in order to generate a working wallet address?
Even if we are going to mine on a pool?
what zcash.conf should we use now?
which addnode?
which rcpuser?
download this files?
i should be fine 16gb ram, not even 40% full and 20gb ssd free
Install guide here including building from source and upgrading from testnet: Home · zcash/zcash Wiki · GitHub
Right, what should be using in place of:
in the mining guide
good job guys! Is this really final no testnetwork :o)?