Zcash Community Grants Meeting Minutes 9/2/2024

Below please find the latest ZCG meeting minutes and Public Dashboard link.


  • Amber
  • Brian
  • GGuy
  • Michael
  • Jack (ZF resource)
  • Deidra M (notetaker)

Key Takeaways:

Open Grant Proposals

  • Zingo Labs Accelerates zcashd Depreciation- Brian summarized for this grant. Za Wilcox is requesting $76,000 to accelerate the deprecation of Zcashd by implementing key RPCs for Zebrad, which will help complete the transition from Zcashd. The funding will cover hardware, software, and compensation costs, with the project expected to deliver documented and tested RPC implementations. The goal is to facilitate the deprecation of Zcashd and enhance protocol development by October 2024.
    • Zancas is working with ECC and ZF devs to revise this grant. He will post the revised version once he receives feedback.
    • This grant will remain open.
  • Zcash Shielded Window - Brian provided background on this grant. Zcash Brazil proposes a marketing initiative called “Zcash Shielded Window” to enhance Zcash’s privacy features and increase its visibility. The project includes four activities: Privacy Week with Casta Crypto, a Zcash campaign on Radio Blockaffee, the second edition of Special CBDCs with Blockaffee, and a campaign with Rafaelando. The requested budget is $3,500, which will fund these promotional efforts and related expenses. They mention that this is a window of opportunity for a marketing campaign because it’s a favorable time in the market for “smarter spending.”
    • The committee discussed this grant during their brainstorm session and voted to reject this proposal.
  • Hush Line Whistleblower Platform - Brian gave background on this proposal. Glenn Sorrentino and his team seek a $25,000 grant to integrate ZCash as a Hush Line whistleblowing platform payment option. This integration aims to provide anonymous, end-to-end encrypted payment options for their services, enhancing privacy for users. The project will involve developing a payment system for ZCash, updating the Hush Line website, and integrating donations with the goal of offering a secure payment alternative to their current infrastructure.
    • ZCG discussed this proposal at their latest brainstorm meeting and voted to reject this grant.
  • eZcash Wallet - Brian provided background on this grant. The proposal from Andrew Arnott requests $212,000 to develop eZcash, a user-friendly Zcash wallet designed for various operating systems and devices. It aims to enhance usability while maintaining high privacy standards, with features like diversified addresses, easy payment requests, and hidden protocol details. The project includes open-sourced apps for desktop and mobile platforms, with milestones for bug fixes, beta releases, and additional privacy features.
    • ZCG discussed this grant at their brainstorm session and agreed that they are not interested in funding any more wallet projects after funding ZecWallet Lite, Nighthawk, Zingo, and YWallet and unanimously voted to reject this proposal. eZcash introduces no meaningful new functionality and is a basic send/receive wallet. ZCG also noted that as a retroactive grant proposal, a key difference between eZcash and YWallet is that Ywallet demonstrated its need because it was the only functioning wallet during the spam attacks. YWallet also already had a large user base prior to applying for retroactive funding, whereas eZcash has very few users.
  • Zcash Global En Espanol - Brian gave background on this grant. The proposal seeks $9,000 to enhance Zcash’s outreach in Spanish-speaking Latin America from October to December 2024. The project will focus on increasing Zcash’s visibility through educational content, digital presence, and community engagement via social media, YouTube, newsletters, and online events. The team, including members from the Zcash Español community, aims to address financial privacy issues and promote Zcash as a solution across the region. This effort includes producing content on social media, managing a podcast, and launching an online radio station.
    • The committee agreed that the focus of ZCG should be on larger grant requests rather than smaller community-based grants with the current treasury. Despite this, ZCG decided to hold off the vote to inquire if ZecHub would be interested in managing a funding pool for community initiatives.
    • Jason said in the last Brainstorm session that he is in favor of approving this grant because (1) it will take time to get ZecHub up and running to manage a funding pool for community initiatives and this grant will get Zcash Espanol through the rest of 2024 and (2) he has a high opinion of the Zcash Espanol team and their track record, he thinks of them as on par with Zcash Brazil, and he is excited to see what they can accomplish with funding.
    • ZCG will contact ZecHub in the next few weeks to discuss possible collaboration.
    • The grant will remain open.
  • ZExchange: A Decentralized P2P Marketplace for Zcash - Brian gave background for this proposal. Emmanuel proposes building a decentralized P2P marketplace for acquiring Zcash without KYC requirements for $17,497. The project seeks to create a web-based platform with front and backend components, including secure escrow and decentralized governance. This platform will address gaps in current centralized exchanges by offering a privacy-focused, censorship-resistant alternative for users in regions with limited access to cryptocurrencies. By offering a secure, non-custodial alternative, this solution seeks to drive Zcash adoption and provide a more accessible means for users to acquire the cryptocurrency.
    • ZCG discussed this grant at their brainstorm session and unanimously voted to reject this proposal.

Thank you for reading the proposal! The reason we are requesting this amount is because it is only for 3 months, but for sure next year we will do it for the first 6 months of 2025, and it will be above the minimum that you have established in the ZCG for proposals.

We appreciate your feedback and recommendations.