Zcash has a FUD problem

I’ll resist the temptation to respond to this at length since it’s ultimately off topic. I’ll just say that it’s my opinion that you will likely not be banned for posting those links in the r/Monero Skepticism Sundays thread.

And I’ll say this: It would be better to raise the caliber of discussion on r/ZEC than to focus so much on removing FUD from there. r/ZEC does not look good right now. A big part of that is because most of the quality Zcash discussion happens here. Anyway, here are my recommendations:

  1. Shift price discussion to r/ZECtrader through a rule change. The interesting thing about Zcash is its tech and not its price. (FWIW r/Monero has done this).

  2. Ensure that Zcash developments like ECC announcements, Zcash Community Grants minutes and approved grants, etc. are posted there.

  3. Make Redditors aware of this Discourse forum, through a pinned post or something. Compared to other cryptocurrency communities, the Zcash community looks anemic on Reddit, but that’s mostly because the quality discussion happens here. I think Redditors interested in Zcash would be reassured if they saw the activity here.