I’d love to help in any way I can. I think this upcoming Friday is too soon. Ideally we want everyone involved in the decision making to be present. That will require some coordination. Also, the Zcash media thread and it’s sub-topics scattered all over the forums is a big corpus of text we would have to revisit.
Maybe May 24th or 31st?
The committee members have already agreed to be at the Zcash Global Lounge this Friday, except maybe @GGuy because timezones. Today and tomorrow, I am preparing and organizing the information that I can find, with help from other active Zcashers, to guide the conversation in a productive direction, specifically wrt the Zcash Media grant and content.
@pacu you don’t have to co-host, with me, but I would really like to have your presence and input there, if you are able to make it.
@aquietinvestor @BrunchTime @ambimorph @wobbzz
Can you please confirm this for everyone here?
edit: Zcash Global Discord ← The Lounge is in here
Yes I can make it. 16 UTC then. Please send the info you gather my way
Update to previous announcement:
At the Zcash Global Lounge this Friday @ 16 [utc] we will be joined by Zcash grants committee members, however a request was made to not call it a “retrospective”. So, it’s not a going to be a Zcash Media grant retrospective.
Although we won’t have any videos to screen, I’ve been told that @37L will not attend, this promises to be a useful conversation.
I will continue to collect feedback from community members, as I have been doing this week, in order to formulate a list of questions for the committee members, who join us.
If you have questions or concerns that you would like me to raise, please DM me wherever you are comfortable doing so. Thank you, to the folkz who have reached out to me. Keep doing great work.
See you on Friday, my lovely zeal.
Hi all,
Here is a website (https://www.zcashmedia.info/) that displays our work-in-progress distribution schedule and includes details about our video releases. If we update things on our end, it’ll get reflected on the website. As you can see, we’re getting closer and closer to releasing lots of new content
This seems like a good idea. thanks for the heads up!
can we get strong reasonable argument why trailer needs 30 days of waiting still tho?
i guess it has not been made yet?
we could start the hyping faster as market seems to stand quite strong atm also.
im happy to see much more than 18 shorts in the website list. these i hope are part of the milestone 1 right?
Still can not understand matketing tactics with this product…
people are normally emotional, you need only agresive marketing and positive news, to move the price up, in last time onlu positive news move the price that is normal is not mega bull run…
you have superb tehnology, only agresive marketing in social media, you don’t need more… what kind of videos are on youtube with 200 views, you need marketing on this videos too… who is incharged for that…
I don’t want to sound agresive but that is not some enormous stuff…you can do it…
It’s been two weeks since these questions were raised by @zerodartz and there’s been no comms nor response from @37L @David_Heisenberg or the grants committee, in that time.
This is not the kind of behavior that I would expect from professionals.
Go back to their timeline… June 15 is still two weeks away.
Yes… definitely sarcastic but I agree this is beyond ridiculous.
What about releasing the upcoming trailer exclusively on free2z? Zcash Media using Zcash community funded products?
Win win
This week.
Moving the different “mainstream” social networks is something that the users, the communities, do.
This is achieved with dynamics, games, challenges, bounties, and countless other activities.
Corporate videos are nice, yes, but they attract attention for a moment and that’s it. And without a solid marketing strategy, that engagement is diluted.
Examples of this can be found in the work done by the Zcash Brazil and Zcash en Español communities.
Hi All,
3 days until our launch.
It is interesting to observe how this thread has developed.
There is wonderful work done in this community - ZecHub, Zcash Brazil/Espanol, AV club and many others are making great content and pushing hard to be prolific in order to make materials that will continue to keep people updated and involved in the Zcash ecosystem. I personally especially love the ZecHub website - it’s by far the best website that has been made for educating new Zcashers and current fans alike.
I am glad all these communities are pursuing their goals with passion. Because it means we get to focus on our goal. And our goals/methods are different. Which is a good thing - it would be silly for all of us to pursue the same thing, the same way.
Our goal is to educate and reach Beyond the current zcash community through rigorous, high production value, and deeply researched content. We have pursued collaborations with partners like Brave - who will be marketing our content. But these goals/collaborations would not be possible without the style and quality of content that we strive to make. This effort has been a labor of love and though we have been supported by the community, our starter funds ran out last year…but we were not satisfied with the quality yet and we believed pushing ourselves to go further would benefit all more in the end. So we have since put in free time pushing ourselves and rallying many a company and team to bring this effort to life. We see this as a marathon and we hope June 15 will be the beginning of an ongoing effort that will build a wave of enthusiasm that is welcoming and thought provoking to a broader Zcash community.
So, the remarks on this page are confusing to me. You don’t like our work? Then don’t vote for us again. That’s the benefit of democracy. Don’t like what ZCG voted for? Don’t vote for them again. Again, you have the power. But for the efforts you have already voted for, what is the benefit in ‘leaking’ or otherwise tainting our plan? Don’t you want our plan to succeed? Especially since the money is already spent?
Also regarding @ryan.taylor and others request for early access to our edits: As I have said many times now on calls to many people - if you want to do something now, then use all the content that already exists to hype. We have 2 videos that have been out for over a year and no one has cut those down yet. There’s SO much Zcon footage and very little has been done with those hours of content. And there’s all the other folks on YouTube talking about privacy etc which can be used to comment on. We are already working the maximum number of hours we can, we don’t also have time to plan others content, nor do we need people potentially leaking (clearly a valid fear as seen by @zerodartz post) our work in a fashion that does not align with our plan. Once our content is ready for final release, we will release it (just like all the other video creators in the Zcash community do when they release their work) and then it can be used and cut down as others see fit.
Personally, we hope every person in the community succeeds in their goals because that is the only way Zcash will succeed. And we will continue to do everything in our power to ensure we play our part.
Thank you to everyone who has supported us. We are sorry for the delay, but we hope you agree that the time was worth it when you see it all start coming out. If not, we understand and will accept the results of our decisions. But for now, we are in the count down to launch.
3 days.
Here is the drop schedule again for those who need it:
im sorry. the leaking part was just a joke. maybe not appropriate. im excited to see the real videos release.
The trailer quality is really good
In the first seconds I thought it was going to be just a bunch of edits with a cringe narration … but it turned out really great.