Zcash Protocol Hangout, Dev Fund Edition


Thanks for taking the time to respond. There is quite a bit of history in these forums and how they used to be structured, compared to now.

here is a long answer to a short question. welcome to my posts :slight_smile:

Sure, it means that the ECC commits to having conversations on here about important topics, at a minimum. Not just posting announcements. It doesn’t mean I can at zooko and expect a response, but I should be able to at someone and get a response, either via an already made statement or a conversation.

I cant break the privacy of DM’s but I know the ECC still does look over these forums, and upper management do care a great deal about building a community. (before it was a mining based community, but now we have ASIC’s, fire and forget devices) - it needs to move over to an ideas based community. For that we need the ECC to engage in ideas with us.

Sometimes this means answering hard questions. Sometimes there are no or easy questions. The point is there is a place that the ECC will officially support conversation, actual stances should probably be posted as statements on the blog, but we would like to discuss them before and after with your company.

I really respect nathans stance I quoted in that post. - it has been a point of consternation before, where the ECC feel they cant post because they will be take for having the official stance. - speak with sonya, she has had this issue and got it solved pretty well imho.

The point I am trying to get across is that it is a community thing.

We need a place to call home. That was always these forums, but seems to becoming less and less a place for interaction. We don’t have miners coming here for help too often so the only real way to get a community going is to talk about what is coming up and what an actual announcement means. I have made comments on stuff then had great dm conversations with the foundation or public ones too. The halo thread got the engineers talking it was nice, like old times.

So to go slightly further than what tromer said

and add that “the ECC is open to discussing it on the forum and should provide a discussion link in the article if possible” - I understand you cant stop discussion in comments sections elsewhere and nor should you. But the forum used to be a central repository of not only ideas and knowledge, but opinions and feelings too. The people left might seem critical of the ECC, but we are not here to criticise we are here to rebuild and learn from the mistakes of the past.

btw you know that the ECC used to own and maintain the forums - therefore by default making them the “official” discussion place for ECC interaction. We were promised that this interaction would not stop when the foundation was given the forums. but it has, slowly over time. Nobody sees this as the desired outcome. (not the ECC, not the ZFND, not the community)

So if someone had a great idea, they would post it and generally the ECC would respond. now the foundation does and it feels like the ECC skips over it.

There does need to be a buffer between the ECC and the community (the ECC isn’t going to be around forever supporting zcash, well not like it currently is) and the ZFND has done a great job in building that gap, but it seems to have been at the expense of ECC representation. The ECC lost a lot of goodwill over the dwindling interaction on the forums.

I don’t think this is a lost cause, and I think the ECC fully embracing the forums would go a massive way to improve community relations and to rebuild some bridges. It might even bring some people back.

Josh s called it the forum that could be. I still think of it as the forum that was - and it wouldnt be that hard to rebuild.

Does this help?