ok, first start PowerShell from the start menu. Then run these commands:
cd "c:\Program Files\zcash4win\app"
.\zcashd.exe -daemon=0 -showmetrics=1
Once it starts up it will show “Block height”, and when that matches how far along it is on https://zcha.in you’re sync and can start the gui
Here is my PowerShell info shown and info from Zchain website about block height. What should i do next?)
Please answer - i can’t get acess to my wallet for a several days so far
I don’t know what to do and the only one who i can rely on is you )
I already have setup GPU and CPU mining through nanopool and flypool. Both working great. Thought it would be cool if your wallet could be configured for CPU pool mining. Thanks again for the help with my previous questions! Much appreciated.
I upgraded to 1.0.10 and started receiving and error at least once a day - forcing me to restart zcash4win. It will usually run for about 12+ hours then the errors start. Advice?
2017-07-24 23:08:36 socket recv error An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host. (10054)
2017-07-24 23:08:41 socket recv error An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host. (10054)
leave zcashd running in powershell, and launch the gui, which should use the already running instance
no, that is a new one I think
ah okay. With the .07 version I had to start-off that way (powershell first then GUI) - but after a few days I could launch with GUI only and never had any errors. I’ll try powershell then GUI with .10. Thanks!
Can you confirm your donation address again.
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I see there is backup option, but how do i import the backup?
I’ve started synch from scrath again running from powershell and GUI, but i’ve got my percentage freezed again… This time another value, but it isn’t moving further… Don’t know what to do.<img
You need to wait until the zcashd is done syncing before open your wallet. Look at the block height in the Power Shell. It’s not done yet. You have to wait until that matches the current network block height. For the record, that could take hours or days depending on your Internet connection and your computer.
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how can i “Ensure daemon is running”??
You should it running in your processes.
just checked it and it wasn’t, is there a powershell command line to run it?
Uh…it’s right here in this thread. Probably multiple times In fact the command was just posted 10 hours ago in this very thread.
That only syncs the blockchain, i’ve ran that numerous times, including reindexing the chain. all to no avail, still getting error codes almost 3 minutes on the mark every time.
If i leave the wallet running overnight with the miner going, i have to close nearly 40 error codes when i get on.
That’s what the daemon does. Syncs to the blockchain. You asked how to ensure the daemon is running. The GUI requires that the daemon is running and synced to the blockchain in order to run. If the daemon is not running you’re going to get errors. You should also make sure it stays running and nothing is terminating it in the background.
yeah the gui launches it if its not running, but if it hasn’t synced ever or is way behind it craps out a lot, hence the instructions about 10 hours ago in this thread on how to start it in powershell
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Thank you for clarifying, i believe something is terminating it in the background. The chain stays synced.
I have synced through the gui twice, and synced through that mentioned powershell command twice. Still getting those errors.