Zcash4win BETA is out!

: Error opening block database.
Please restart with -reindex to recover.
PS C:\Program Files\zcash4win\app>

it just happened i had like 0.5 zec i didnt delete anything cause i dont want to lose my money

ok, add -reindex to the command to start it up

it will take a WHILE, and then it will sync the rest of the chain to catch up

-reindex : The term ‘-reindex’ is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program.
Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and try again.
At line:1 char:1

  • -reindex
  •   + CategoryInfo          : ObjectNotFound: (-reindex:String) [], CommandNotFoundException
      + FullyQualifiedErrorId : CommandNotFoundException

PS C:\Program Files\zcash4win\app>

and my wallet still doesnt startup

ok, try -reindex=1


.\zcashd.exe -daemon=0 -showmetrics=0 -reindex=1

i typed -reindex and it crashed
Windows PowerShell
Copyright (C) 2016 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

PS C:\Users\Jambi> cd "c:\Program Files\zcash4win\app"

.\zcashd.exe -daemon=0 -showmetrics=0 -reindex=1

and its crashed again…

but now my wallet is working i see this is good i hope my money are still there :smiley:

ok, you need to zap your copy of the blockchain (does not effect wallet!!!) and then start syncing again from scratch…leave that window there, we’ll get back to it in a few minutes.

In File Explorer, go to %AppData%\Zcash\ and delete everything aside from wallet.dat, peers.dat and zcash.conf. After you double check that you didn’t zap wallet.dat by mistake, empty the trash.

Now go back to the PowerShell window and run:

.\zcashd.exe -daemon=0 -showmetrics=1

I had a typo above and it should be showmetrics=1

my app started shouldnt i leave it that way untill 100% so i can leave it like this if no more problems?

ah ok yes!! do that then I didn’t realize it started ok and is syncing now

i really dont understand where the problem was?i never had any problems like that and i tried to backup files to another pc and it didnt work i got the same error …

but there are my adresses here so i hope all good

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well it crashed…ensure zcash daemon is running
CDB:error - 30972 cant open database

i lost my adresses and i think my money too…what can i do?

Hello, How can I transfer these folders to another disk ?
To not take up space on the system disk

if you saved the file wallet.dat its possible to install the zcash4win in another pc and paste that file, you didnt lose your money if u have that file, for example i have the same wallet.dat running in 2 pcs to be safe.

i have it but its still not seeing my money i tried to import several times