Zcash4win BETA is out!

Thank you very much!

But do not use Z-addresses, only t-addresses by now

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Hello, sorry, but not work. http://s019.radikal.ru/i616/1708/bb/4735a49b9289t.jpg Im delete all, not delete wallet.dat, peers.dat и zcash.conf. but dont work.

David / @anon47418038,

I really appreciate your contribution to open source and anonymous crypto currency. I truly think that your selfless and forward-thinking hard work is utterly important politically and economically. I hope that people will donate money to you so that you can spend more time doing what you seem to truly love. Also, I’m really impressed with your skills! Keep up the great work!

Would you please consider completing the work by investing in the present and future security of everyone by creating a clear signature verification process? Verifying Signatures. In this day and age of Crypto War 2.0 and Cyber War 1.0 we need to secure our software and our computers from hostile actors. We need a way to ensure that our software is sound. We cannot have a case where someone hacks your website/computer, replaces the binary with malicious code, and initiates a process of coin theft. It could be undetectable, stealing fractions of coins over time, hidden from the user.

Thanks for your time.


You are completely correct, especially as right now it seems that about half of all zcash full nodes are zcash4win.
I’ll post sigs for everything going forward, it has just been very hectic, and that has gotten lost in the crush of competing priorities, but shouldn’t be.

And if you want to donate, every little bit helps:


I don’t know how you do it. I love CS but damn it can make your eyes go cross. I applaud all of your hard work. :slight_smile:

I hope people donate!

oh my C++ compiler output makes MY eyes go cross!


fresh install windows 10 pro

and i get this message

Sans titre

someone can help?


see the multiple posts up-thread about doing the initial sync on the command line if this happens to you

Ok, after a lot of trouble I finally did it. ty.
I opened port 8233 but I stay at 8 connection. an idea?

8 is the max connections by default. there is a parameter in the conf file for it I think, or you may have to allow inbound p2p connections, I am not 100% certain

There is actually nothing to do it will take about 30h to have new connection I am now at 11.

This must come from the low number of full node.

there are actually quite a lot of full nodes, it just defaults to 8, so any nodes already full established on the network won’t keep trying to add more connections…

Hi,please helps! Sometimes my Zcash4win gets the error with white board display like this:


oh wow, that is a new one! I would exit it, restart the machine, and try again after it settles down…it wants a lot more ram when just starting up and syncing than when it is just left running and only has to verify a block every 2.5 minutes


you are awesome. keep up the development, brother. thanks for all you do.

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Thanks! pls support our patreon at Patreon or donate any amount of a number of cryptocurrencies here at MercerWeiss Consulting — Independent Cryptocurrency Developer and/or share those links on social media! TIA!

Hello, tell me, how can I delete an empty wallet number?
I created it by mistake, and I no longer need it

unfortunately you can’t directly, you can just add them, the same as in upstream bitcoin. If you are REALLY set on that course, you can export the private keys from your current wallet, delete your wallet.dat file, and reimport just the key(s) with a balance. But that is an error prone process and it hurts nothing to just have that address lying around.

@anon47418038 I saw that the wallet was updated to the newest version.

For the people that are not so versed in programming, is it possible to make a video on how to update the wallet so that the ZEC amount is unaffected? My first thought was to transfer everything to Jaxx or any other wallet, then send back once the client is updated. But then decided to ask here since it may help more people this way.

Thanks and have a great day!

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