Zcash4win update ; need help

Today saw the following text written in my zcash4win wallet:
Warning This version will be deprecated at block height 239776 and will automatically shut down
You should upgrade to the latest version of Zcash. To disable deprecation for this version set -disabledeprecation=1.0.11.
What should i do now?? Got the latest version of zcash4win btw…
Where should i write “-disabledeprecation=1.0.11.”? Or i just need to wait for the miracle update?.. :frowning:
Thank you in advance

You would generally put that in the config file for the daemon. However, @anon47418038 is working on an update. How’s that coming along David?

Update will be out this week


I have same issue!!! update to new version NOT work

but problem solved now :slight_smile:

what’d you do to install 1.0.12?

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David thx a lot for your work!
Update helped, now I have fully working wallet

same issue happened every restart. update fixed it without having too download block-chain yet again. great work!

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Can we keep mining as we used to and not update anything yet? Just want to make sure because I don’t have access to the computer my zcash4win is installed and where I’m mining to.

you can indeed keep mining to it, it does not need to be running due to how blockchains work :slight_smile: