Let’s get this up to date!
Many things happened since our last update, but let’s start talking about the addition of new members to our DAO.
Back in July we mentioned the need of increasing the number of members to reduce the voting power of any individual members while increasing the minimum total number of voters required for votes to pass.
In that spirit, we started voting proposals and 4 new members were added: @Tecnopapapi, @gordonesTV, @aquietinvestor and @olisa.
They are all active members of the Zcash community who are collaborating in different tasks and areas. Welcome aboard.
New Logo for our Dao
After migrating to DaoDao.zone, one of the first proposals was to create a new logo to accompany us through our new journey.
@Minevg decided to give that task a shot and proposed her vision for such logo.
She had this vision of a clean circular graphic that “conveys the feeling of confidence, solidity and honesty” together with the global nature of Zechub.
The proposal passed, and here’s the result.
Creation of a Cross-Chain Osmosis account
As we proposed back in july, we voted for the opening of an Osmosis account for the DAO, to give the DAO the flexibility of operating with the flexibility of an Osmosis treasury wallet.
But we also added a multisig address in the Stargaze chain, and associated it with the Stargaze name “zechub”.
This allows us to send and receive NFTs to and from our multisig in an easier way. It also allows us to display all of our Stargaze names in our treasury pages as NFTs.
A new store
As part of our funding efforts, we opened a store in the Zazzle website, but it only takes payments using Cards and Paypal.
We want to set the example by opening a store where supporters can pay with their ZEC. In order to set it up, the store requires order fulfilment billing, which can be paid using cryptocurrency. So we opened a proposal to convert $250 in assets from the DAO treasury to pay for such order fulfilment.
After the voting passed, 16.35 WAVAX and 690 Juno were converted. ¿Want to give the new store a check?
ZSA and Minor Grants
And to finish this update we have to mention our plan to create some educational videos about Zcash Shielded Assets.
These videos will be made via a collaboration between Shielded Labs, ZecHub and QEDIT, with the goal of informing and educating the public about what Zcash Shielded Assets are and why they are important.
The plan is for Shielded Labs to take care of the research and writing, while ZecHub handles production and animation.
The project will start with one video explainer, but the goal is to create a whole series. Funding for this proyect is capped at $200 from the DAO treasury, and we’re hoping QEDIT can join the efforts.
And finally, another voting passed to apply for a Zcash Foundation Minor Grant of $7000 to extend the Zechub Bounty Program to midlate 2024, since it’s planned to end in december 2023.
The ZecHub Bounty program has been succesful in distributing ZEC to Zcash community members who are willing to collaborate in the creation of educational material about Zcash.
The goal is to improve the quality and increase the quantity of the content released, so we can reach a larger audience. By expanding our funds we can accomodate more collaborators who can help achieve those goals.
You can read a draft of the proposal here