hello guys,
Is mining with this antminer s1 still profitable? I am going to buy one for around 23$ (i think that this price isn˙t so high)
Wrong forum - this is purely for Zcash. Try bitcointalk.org instead.
so which device is the best for mining bitcoins/zcash, etc.? I have max 100€ budget
It appears you are starting out from absolute zero in the world of cryptocurrency. I would suggest taking a step back and researching to get a better understanding of what you are getting in to with this.
To directly answer your question, that budget is way too small for any “device” that would mine Zcash effectively unless you find a once-in-a-lifetime deal.
As @zij said: You’re on the wrong forum. Zcash mining is discussed here.
I think you may have some confusion going on as well. Princess mentioned taking a step back and researching and I agree. There is a distinction between Bitcoin and Zcash. They don’t use the same algorithm and can’t be mined with the same hardware. These are fundamental differences you’ll need to know if you want to get anywhere
Totally inefficient, electrical costs would negate any profit,