web site real or scam

Hi can anyone tell me if this site is real or a scam site. found a youtube vid with trucks and such with this site on them and the 1 site as well. if anyone has successfully ordered asic from this site please reply. now i know the whole number in the URL is normally a give away, but given they are trying to sell the Z9 and S9 it sort of fits as legit

lets see its a godaddy website…

It was created on May 23 2018

Bitmain tells you on their website

this site says

Then when you click on their site certification with mcafee, it says not a trusted site


since when? (20 char)

just because you earned a cert, doesn’t’ mean that a site can not take peoples money and not provide a product


the screenshot of CrticAcid was from the 23rd of May '18 and for al that time we heard nothing from you and only now that it is certfied? Com’on guy.
And I have no interest in defend CrticAcid, even though there doesn’t seem the need of it.
Your late reply shows how much you care about customer.

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@Siaminer Please disclose any affliation you have with this website including if you are being paid by them if or you actually own the website.

Also, please do not personally attack other long standing Forum members. The first posts by @CitricAcid show that the site at the time did not have a valid certificate as shown by the screenshots.

Please abide by the Community Guidelines or your account will be suspended.


I am a person who can do a simple whois search and see that the site was created on

Just because a site has (see below) all that means is that there are no malicious links, no identity theft going on, and it has a valid SSL cert.
A SSL cert. can be purchased from Godaddy for $75.99 and they offer McAfee certified banner.

A site can have all of these things, still sell a product take the money and never ship the product.

Just visited Bitmain’s site, is not listed as an official site and when I pulled up chat and asked there answer was:


Your latest response shows everyone all that needs to be said.

Ohh yeah lets add this to it as well

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In light of the hostile tone and disagreement of facts regarding this website/thread I have decided to unlist it for all parties.