Antpool stop mining

Hi there, is it only to me that mining Antpool is stopped from 2 hours ago?

Its only you ; )

Ok, it seems itā€™s working again, but is it correct setting the 3 workers to an only server? (8899)

If youā€™re referring to the pools in your configuration, then you can set them to whatever you would like or whichever pool performs the best for you, it doesnā€™t have to be antpool per se

Thank you, i set up the same worker to 3 servers, and it seems working better. But today morning z9 mini become red light and high noise, mining was stopped 4 hours till i power off machine. Is it nomal this trouble?

Probably, what are your settings?
Temperatures and fan speed seem to affect that the most especially when overclocked but sometimes after so long a time it just needs reset (like your router)

Thank you, maybe have i to set down the fan speed to 85%? Settings are the same worker to 3 servers, default fan speed.

Are you sure you have a real stable internet connection? When you notice the same trying pinging and tracing to antpool and see if there is a bottleneck somewhere. I noticed some similar problems with other chinese mining pools (iā€™am located in europe) and avoid them if possible by now.

I think yes itā€™s a stable connection one. 0.02 Zhs per day is bad result, first 10 days mining earned 0.04-0.05. Me too iā€™m in Europe, so do you suggest me to change the poolsā€¦

You can find a EU server on a different pool absolutely

Try, as allready suggest by autotunafish, a pool with an EU server. Miningpoolhub or suprnova are mostly the best choices. These both work perfectly for me and as said, iā€™am in europe as well.

Letā€™s see how this works out and if there are again problems than my guess is the internet connection being the problem.

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Hi, sorry for answering so later. I changed pool to Mining pool Hub, and the miner isnā€™t stopping anymore, thank you. Itā€™s mining average 0.02 ztc per day, and itā€™s not so bad. Regards.

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No, you are welcome. Nice to hear it worked out with miningpoolhub, itā€™s a good stable pool as you see allready :slight_smile: