If we mine now, are we getting real ztokens or just test tokens? If so does anyone want to sell me their tokens?If so how much?
We are still on the testnet,official launch is expected in September
Though, I will be happy to send you test coins for $100 each
I"m sure you would… These test coins get wiped out after the mainnet launch right? There is no ICO or anything like that with Zcash right?
Yes, the testcoins are only for alpha-testing, once the Genesis block is launched all testcoins will be worthless.
I’m not sure what you mean by ICO?
well I thought, there was a way to get tokens by participating on a crowdsale. Looks like mining is the only way to go. Is it premined? Who is going to create the market when it launches? What’s a good system to use to mine it?
You might have some catching up to do - Blog - Electric Coin Company - Electric Coin Company
There is no crowdsale or pre-mine but there will be a certain amount of coins kept back after they are mined for the Founders of Zcash. You can find more mining details here: https://minezcash.com/mining-specifics/
Your best bet would be to be ready to Mine or join a Mining pool when it launches in September.