Asus Strix 1080ti vs Asus Strix 1080ti OC Edition

Do we have anyone here running a Asus Strix 1080 Ti, what sol are you getting?
The Asus Strix 1080ti OC edition is running at 770 sols overclocked stable.

I was wonder if anyone know the peformance beetwen out of the box and overclocked?
Basicly 1080ti is now around 120 USD cheaper then the OC edition where i live.

there are only 20uss cheaper in my country so i bought the oc edition , 750sol here with a little oc, can you tell me what are your settings?

Buy the cheapest we dont care about crappy factory overclock

@Zargon My settings you can find here: NVIDIA GTX 1080 ti GPUs - #312 by BarbieAction

@jimmy97one61 Would the OC edition have any advantages? What i read i can see you can flash the OC bios onto the none OC edition, does anyone know peformance difference out of the box in sols?

i dont know if its true but i read somewhere that they are the same cards but asus use the most stable chips in the oc edition, maybe you are lucky and get the same profit with the standard edition

No any advantages :slight_smile:

Yeah I am using 4 GTX 1080ti stix OC

Using EWBF Miner 0.3.4b
MSI Afterburner
Stable conditions.

and I am getting around average 2600 sol/s to 2700sol/s

Still not happy with this overclock though, anyone have any better OC option?

I have one strix oc and one non oc. I get 1450 poolside (1500 miner side) interestingly my oc performs worse, I am almost positive its due to the bios. I’m using ethos and ewbf

What is your setting for your Stix 1080 ti OC?

Core is 1920 mem is 5470 fans at 70%. Im at 1960 core for my non oc, I cant get the oc to those levels

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Do both have Samsung memory?

How can i tell with linux?

I actually have the WD HDD 250 GB haha… I just want to save some money on buying the SSD. Anyone also using HDD or SSD? what is everyone recommended?

ssd 60gb or 120gb fpr usd $55

There are some cheap Patriot Flare 60GB SSD’s on Fry’s. If you manage to get them on sale they sell for under $40 and are decent enough.

Also my 4 x 1080 Ti Asus Strix OC rig is shoveling out 3.000 Sols/s on +100 Core +100 Mem. Don’t know if I need the mem OC though. Is anyone running these cards underclocked?