Time in seconds to restart
I just created a .BAT file using that template and it seems to launch the miner successfully. In theory would this restart the miner if it fails for any reason be it network or crash? What (if any) disadvantages would there be compared to using the --eexit 3 method?
Thank you.
Hello guys. Installed EWBF cuda miner on windows yesterday. And tried autorestart after Internet connection lost (WiFi switched off… and on after few minuted). So, it restarts automatically when Internet is reenabled. No additional .bat file modification - form the box.
It is a pause in seconds. You will see when you try it. Very simple.
Hello ZC93 i am very much interested in having a similar setup to yours. Currently I am running windows with some custom scripts and smart power switches which i can control through andriod app, but I would like to make everything automated under linux just like yours using a raspberry pi. I tried setting the miners in linux but the problem is with undervolting. I run my cards on 75% power and I couldnt find any way of doing that in linux. I was able to control the fan speed by using cool-bits 24 but still was not able to undervolt. I would be glad if you can tell me about the tools and scripts you are using for your systems. I have Nvidia 1080 ti only and no amd. I would be happy to buy you a beer or 2 if you can help me with the same.
Add the two following lines to your Linux startup script to set your power level:
sudo nvidia-smi --persistence-mode=1
sudo nvidia-smi -pl 250 #set TDP in watts
To be headless:
Spoof a monitor in xorg.conf by using the edid.bin file. You can save a monitor profile in the Linux Nvidia settings app.
To deal with hard resets and restarts enable the sysrq magic keys so that you have software access to safe kernel level resets. Never seen this fail and way safer than hitting the power or reset button (will not cause the Nvidia driver login loop).
To auto start and still be in an x-window you need to set auto login and run a script that has sudo privileges. Not trivial but I use the “expect” scripting tool. You can do the same with a watchdog that will run the sysrq magic keys if it detects a problem with the miner. The only way to restart a Linux miner in my opinion.
From there you can do pretty much anything you want. Set OC speeds and power settings dynamically, Monitor statistics, provide data for a raspberry pi to monitor, monitor commands from a raspberry pi, send an email or text mesg to yourself if there is a problem, ect ect.
My script start/restart/autorestart/0 sols state force restart script.
Download and flypool (tAddress) example.
Example usage for supernova (very possible slushpool too).
Does this scripts only restart miner if internet connection goes down? Im looking for a script that will restart the miner when the gpu fails to start.
Im having trouble with gpu fails to restart in the miner. Will the bat files posted here work for that too?
Exactly this it do.
I paste info here
EWBF Miner Auto Start/Restart Script by sverox
This is autostart script for great EWBF’s CUDA Zcash miner
EWBF's CUDA Zcash miner
- Start, autostart, watch and restart miner.
- Creates new log for every start of miner with filename timestamps.
(for paranoids - do not worry doff.exe is safe to use tool).- Watch for error “0 Sol/s” state and force kill/restart miner.
- Give some stats for loops/starts/restarts count.
- Carefully edit _start_ZEC_flypool_xxx.bat with your datas.
- Unpack Doff.zip doff.exe to path (is return timestamps for log filenames)
- Put _start_ZEC_flypool_xxx.bat on your startup folder
(For the Current User Startup Folder, open the Run dialog and type shell:startup.)
Start your miner with _start_ZEC_flypool_xxx.bat
Donations welcome to ZEC: t1JW33AfzoeUN3EBnPcmxPM6KgFWcG2GoQC
No copyrights, no copylefts - use and modify as you want.
Thank you sverox.
What settings would it be for slushpool?
Change tadress to user? in the bat file?
Yes sir… we are planning to migrate to linux for such automation to get it more stable… we have a raspberry pi which should act as the master … which should be able to control other miner and power switch … I would like to request you if you can share your scripts and your setup design so we can test ours… it’s perfectly alright if you would not like to…
Use --eexit option in miner… and put miner in loop in the bat file…
@gandotratushar exactly how do use the command and make a loop? Sorry i dont know how to do this, thanks in advance.
I see the scripts in the post but i cant see if it will autoretsart if sol drops, because this happends, gpu crash and ewbf cant restart it, so i want it to autorestart when that happends and im on slushpool now
@gandotratushar i dont know what ps1 file is i only run bat script?
Copy above… same it in a ps1 file… pur your folder correctly …Make sure there is no space in the folder name… or best way is to keep zcash folder in c drive…
Pur the code below in a .Bat file… keep the name same…
PowerShell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command “& ‘%~dpn0.ps1’”
Run the bat file or put it in startup…
Sorry but i dont see where it should fetch server or username from or anything?
I think this config variables is OK for slush pool.
Try and inform.
set MINERPATH=C:\Zec Miner 0.3.4b\0.3.4b
set EXE=miner.exe
set varSeconds=60
set zecServer=zec.slushpool.com
set tAddress=userName
set wrkrName=workerName
set wrkrInfo=Rig 001
set wrkrEml=xxx@xxx.xxx
set varExtraOptions=–pass x --port 4444 --tempunits C --templimit 80 --pec --api
Of course replace userName with your registered user name
workerName is optional, but set it to something informative to you.
Common parameters
All the parameters here are similar to the command line arguments
cuda_devices 0 1 2 3
intensity 64 64 64 64
templimit 73
pec 1
boff 0
eexit 1
tempunits c
log 2
The miner start work from this server
When the server is fail, the miner will try to reconnect 3 times
After three unsuccessful attempts, the miner will switch to the next server
You can add up to 8 servers
main server
server eu1-zcash.flypool.org
port 3333
user youraddress.rig1
pass x
additional server 1
server cn1-zcash.flypool.org
port 3333
user youraddress.rig
pass x
Copy this in the miner.cfg … pur your worker address there … Use the ps1 file and the bat file to run it… run the miner without parameters to take cfg in effect