Auto restart possible?

@sverox trying ur script :slight_smile: Could you help me to find logs? I can’t find files…

Log will be in the same folder with the name miner.log … everything is appended there…

Got it. Thanks for rapid reply!


My script creates new log for every start of miner with timestamps filenames.
In miner directory filenames z_yyyymmddhhmmss_.txt

For correct working do:


doff exe is software return timestamps (is old known tool doff.exe - Google Search)

No offense, but all other script propositions in this thread is very rudimentary and useless compared to my one.
Once you config it well, my one is works flawless and need zero user attention.

1 Like

Got it. Thanks @sverox

Thanks @sverox that works perfectly for me on Suprnova! I will be donating!

Old post

[Updated to - 20.08.2017, link to copy script code: Equihash Miner Autorun (Autorestart / Watchdog) for EWBF -]
Donation adress ZEC: t1S8HRoMoyhBhwXq6zY5vHwqhd9MHSiHWKv

Hello, guys! Zcash Miner Autorun by Acrefawn (me). Opensource CMD/BAT file.



A program in the process of active development, anyone can suggest adding the necessary functions or correcting the error. Everything will be done quickly and at its best! First of all, the program was developed for me and my friends. After checking for stability, it was decided to publish the program, in order to find the vulnerability, fix the errors, add functionality! I will be very grateful for your cooperation!


  1. Create an autorun.bat file.
  2. Follow the link at the top of this post, copy the entire script code into the autorun.bat file.
  3. Move autorun.bat to the folder with EWBF miner, click on autorun.bat 2 times LMB (without any administrator rights).
  4. autorun.bat creates config.bat.
  5. Close autorun.bat, open config.bat. In it, you can configure the program as you will be comfortable, using notepad, manually. Check, configure.
  6. I advise you to delete your old batch file to run the miner. Autorun.bat will create a new one, with the settings that you set in config.bat!
  7. Run autorun.bat and everything works!
  8. Do not forget add autorun.bat shortcut to autorun folder. (WIN+R shell:startup)
Telegram instruction
  1. Add a bot to Telegram: Telegram: Contact @ZcashMinerAutorunBot, this bot will send you notifications from your Zcash farm.
  2. Add another bot Telegram: Contact @get_id_bot, it will tell you the Chat ID number, write this number in config.bat, in the ChatId field, instead of 000000000. This bot can be deleted, it is no longer needed.
  3. Download “cURL”, a direct link to the archive: Service End for Bintray, JCenter, GoCenter, and ChartCenter | JFrog. You can download from the site’s cURL:, you need the latest version of Win64 x86_64 7zip with
    Binary SSL SSH. What is cURL: cURL - Wikipedia. Specifically in our case, it is needed to send messages to Telegram, without opening the browser tabs (in the background).
  4. Unpack the archive in the folder with the miner (or in any other folder convenient for you). Check in config.bat file and type CurlPath (in case of unpacking to the folder with the miner, the appropriate value is already typed)
  5. In config.bat file type RigName, this is necessary if you want to receive notifications from several farms at once to a Telegram bot in order not to be confused.
  6. Change the value of EnableTelegramNotifications in config.bat file to 1
  7. The setup is complete, run autorun.bat, everything should work.
  1. Windows 10 Pro x64 Creators Update (on the other not tested, may not work).
  2. Names of folders without spaces.
  3. All programs for overclocking are installed in standard directories.
  4. Administrator rights are not required when starting the file (I start without them and everything works).
  5. The presence of .log (the standard name miner.log), the autorun.bat script works on the basis of data in .log. Make sure! You added --log 2 to the batch file to run the miner. You added the name of the .log file to config.bat. .log file is created, copied, opened. If for you these are incomprehensible things, please, do steps 5 and 6 of the instruction.
  6. I advise you to disable “User Account Control”.
  7. Attention and lack of desire to put your hands into the code yourself, write to me, I will do everything. Then to disassemble, that there was, and that became, it is long and it is not interesting!


  • The presence of config.bat for more fine-tuning the program, disabling unnecessary or unwanted functions.
  • Check if the process of the miner is running.
  • Checking the processes of programs for overclocking graphics cards MSI Afterburner, GIGABYTE Xtreme Gaming Engine, ASUS GPU Tweak II, EVGA Precision X.
  • The algorithm by which the program checks for overclocking on video cards, based on the average hash, which the user specified in config.bat.
  • The ability to run and check another miner or any other program (minergate, teamviewer, etc.).
  • Checks the number of connected video cards, based on user data in config.bat.
  • Reboots the miner or computer every hour, at 12:00, at 00:00 (you can select / disable in config.bat).
  • Reboot the computer for critical errors. The program works on a list of errors that only fixes the computer to reboot.
  • Pause when you disconnect the Internet. Start at connect.
  • Double-window verification of the program, protection against double launch.
  • Checking the presence of the necessary files, creates a batch file to run, if it is missing, create miner.cfg if it is missing. Removes unnecessary files on request. Sorts logs into the Logs folder, with the ability to clean it.
  • Maintain your logs in the autorun.log file. Errors, warnings, messages about successful start.
  • Sound notifications in case of error or any other situation requiring attention of the user.
  • Telegram bot notifications.
  • Running the miner both with .bat and with .exe.

My post on (rus)
My topic on bitcointalk (eng)
Sory for bad English. In case of grammatical errors in program or in this message inform me, please!
Contact me for help or support on facebook or skype: acrefawn.
Donation adress ZEC: t1S8HRoMoyhBhwXq6zY5vHwqhd9MHSiHWKv

Created new topic about this program! Welcome here: [CMD] FarmWatchBot (Autorun/Watchdog) for Ewbf, Claymore, Dstm, CCminer, Bminer, Ethminer, CastXMR, Phoenix, T-Rex, Gmnr, NB

If it is no problem, please, support me, give some Likes! Thank you!


Is masterpiece. Will use some your ideas in GUI tool i currently work. :slight_smile:


Thank you! No problem!

Lviv Polytechnic rocks :metal:

1 Like

It works perfect. Thank you.

I have problems with English grammar. So if you can, help me, please, edit some mistakes :slight_smile:
Script updated! Few code fixes, and 1 little new function for weak CPU.
Thank you guys!


when we gonna see that tool :slight_smile:

2-3 weeks maybe. Is not my high priority.

thanks mate, it was great code!

Thanks! Works fine, really like it. Great job.
Just one question.
How to turn off auto restart of miner.bat? It happend every day at 0:00. Cant find line for this in the config.

It must restart miner.bat everyday because of work timer. But i will think about it and try to improve something :slight_smile:

@Undertrey Right now @sverox script seems to do its magic. Although, would loved to try this intimidating script.

For “SET /A GPUDevicesAmount=0”, do I need to set the available GPU I currently have or it can auto detect them?

and how to use the GPU overclock control? Let’s say I’ve already overclock mine with Afterburner, what settings should I edit?

How can I skip the “Begin mining [Y, N]” and have the script to start mining straight away?

Is it normal that the autorun.bat closed after the line “GPU activated check is disabled. GPUCount set to 0.”?

For “SET /A GPUDevicesAmount=0”, do I need to set the available GPU I currently have or it can auto detect them?

Set available GPU, f.e.
SET /A GPUDevicesAmount=6

and how to use the GPU overclock control? Let’s say I’ve already overclock mine with Afterburner, what settings should I edit?

Set only this setting by 2, because 1 = Gigabyte Xtreme Gaming Engine, 2 = MSI Afterburner, 3 = ASUS GPUTweak II.
SET EnableGPUOverClockControl=2

How can I skip the “Begin mining [Y, N]” and have the script to start mining straight away?

It is impossible. But I can add option in config to disable this.

Is it normal that the autorun.bat closed after the line “GPU activated check is disabled. GPUCount set to 0.”?

No. Try to reconfigure script and try again.