Binance rejecting deposits from Zcash Shielded Addresses

Hmm … It should… What was the issue?

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I assume they mean the seed and/or subaccounts.

I could tell you nonsense, I don’t remember exactly what happened, maybe it was some ignorance on my part.


na época eu estava desesperado querendo me livrar da zecwallet, estava pensando que em algum momento iria parar de funcionar por falta de manutenção, tinha medo de usar uma outra carteira por não conhecer as carteiras, foi quando descobri a ywallet. na época eu não conhecia muito sobre criptomoedas, ainda sentia medo de apenas 24 palavras serem o suficiente para guardar uma carteira.

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@hanh Disregard this comment about the problem, I may have confused things.

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Ywallet will recover zecwallet light accounts, but it’s sometimes requires a special restore method because of the way that zecwallet light accounts worked.
Sending the funds forward to the new account would have been my recommended course of action anyways.



Hello guys,

i’m devastated.

I recently made a transaction into Binance.
The transaction was rejected.
I contacted support and I will quote their answer:

“Well, as mentioned there is no option available to provide a solution to your case.

I want to underline that there IS (today=03.12.2024) no warning message about the loss of asset.
I am a Hungarian citizen. It was my life savings.

I really need help here.

Do you have a transaction ID? it is possible that binance has frozen the assets because they were deposited from a shielded address.
It is not uncommon and yes youll need to contact their customer support to retrieve the funds. You mentioning that they said that they can’t help is not very encouraging, however. “Nothing can be done” sounds like perhaps there was an address issue?


Hello, I’m sorry you are going through this.

As @Autotunafish said, you should contact their customer support. Also make sure you use official channels with them like using their app or website directly, there are a lot of scammers trying to take advantage of users in dispair.

Please consider that no tech support representative will ask you for your private keys or username and password.


Yes, I have transaction ID and I did contact Binance official support. And yes it was sent from a shielded address.

They say there is nothing to be done.
This is nonsense.

It is possible that Binance is being affected by a recent bug that might prevent them from transacting at all. @aquietinvestor Do we know if Binance uses zcashd or something else like Ledger?

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Binance uses zcashd. If they were affected by a bug similar to the one with Ledger, we would likely be seeing many more support requests. This appears to be an issue where Binance blocked a shielded deposit.

@akibebi Binance will definitely refund your deposit, but I believe it can take anywhere from between one week to four weeks.


It is a “Binance blocked a shielded deposit”-issue.
I have sent it from a shielded address to t1-address given by Binance.

There was no warning message that it is not allowed.

What should I do to get back my money “definitely” because they say nothing can be done.

Make a report through support and they will give you instructions on how to recover your ZECs.

they say “we cannot refund the money, because we don’t have your funds. we never received your funds”

What is happening???

They say they never got money and they can’t help.

If that’s the case, then it wasn’t that Binance blocked your shielded deposit.

What wallet were you using? Also, what’s your transaction ID?

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I was using YWallet.
This money was in ZecWallet Lite before and after quite some time yesterday i have imported the money into YWallet and then sent to Binance’s address.

TxID: 741ce17e70f1a381fc93857fc93073417d7516770c23792d2c52478ec5db2328

if this address that recieved those funds is the same binance gave you.

they did recieve the funds. but you maybe need get somehow a more advanced/knowledgable support person as that one below doesnt seem to understand the problem.