Bitfinex doesn’t confirm my deposit more than 5 days


I send about 3 ZEC to my account on bitfinex (sept 27) and they appear in my account but they appear unconfirmed any ideas what could be happening?

I send a support ticket and since Friday and I haven’t received any answer

Any idea. What could I do?

What does it say on the block explorer?

That the transaction has been made.

I’l add the transaction address

TXID: 0c68e7a1c721ad96c64c12b4de915c0b4b153c22694d6bb8b4ac3804c4859cbd
Deposit Address: t1ZtUwyiQMBo9rziLAPMqKKUXPSx2qKMjrd
Sender Address: t1KDNmBdg4fhNTme7LRH27cjPyqSnBUbhod

If this is your first time depositing ZEC on bitfinex you are going to have to contact customer support. It happened to me on my first deposit I think it has something to do with a fresh address generation and their system not registering it. My issue was resolved within 24 hours you just need to be short concise and include all relevant information like TXID etc.

Actually is my third deposit

2 ZEC and 1 ETH. I did send a support email, but more than 4 days have passed and they don’t’ answer.

This is very strange do you have a fully verified account?

I tried and a message appears that I don’t need to verify my account to unlimited deposits and withdraw

You do not need to be fully verified to trade on bitfinex. It is my impression that I get swifter responses from their support team when I verified my account.
I would send a second support ticket and if more than 48 hours pass since your deposit isnt credited I would make a thread about it on reddit r/BitcoinMarkets to get their attention.

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Ok, I will wait until tomorrow, if not I will open a reddit ticket

Thanks allot!

No problem they have a staff member reading the subredit I do not remember his username but I have seen him resolve issues posted there. I hope you get your coins credited asap.

Yes If they credited the coins when I send them I could sell it in about $411. Now they worth way less :s. I know they eventually will go up but I want to buy more Graphic cards :S

Yes I understand how you feel. The only way to trade that spike in price would have been to keep money on an exchange. Trust me it is not worth it I have lost 30% of a substantial ammount of money due to the bitfinex hack. I now keep all my coins on my trezor. I know the chat looks preaty bad now but I have a feeling things will improve next month. I hope the dev team has something great in store for the 1 year anniversary. We also have the 1070Ti coming out soon which should perform rather well in mining so you might not be at a total loss here.

Oh, I will investigate about 1070 Ti. Because I have only 1080 Ti

And Yes I have all my ZEC on my own Keys and backup several times in several locations.

5 days is way too long. Sucks when they do crap like that and do not respond to emails. In reality any company that does not have a physical address to visit can be sketchy

They just added it to my account About 2 week after I initially transfer it. I’m really mad, now the price it’s really low and I need to sell it :S.

Any idea if I should continue with bitfinex or change to another exchange?

I never had any problems, I think it’s bad luck.

But the don’t do wire transfers anymore I think, they had some troubles with taiwan banks not processing transfers.

What I do it’s I use bitfinex to exchange crypto and when I want to cashout I buy ETH and transfer it to a local exchange company and sell them and make a local bank transfer. (I live in Mexico)

Ive made many deposits, and 9 of them, totally 41 zec is missing. Same, it is confirmed in blockchain, but not in the account. Support doesnt respond yet.

I send 1.91 ZEC and again, the last 3ZEC they added it to my account. I wait about 2 weeks. I’m thinking about changing the exchange. Maybecoinbase or a more secure and supportive one

Hey, I’ve the same problem. I sent 1 ZEC via zcash4win (yesterday) to Bitfinex Deposit Exchange Wallet, but there’s no entry in the deposit menu. It has a lot of confirmations in the blockchain. Any suggestions what I can do? Thank you.