Community opinion on ZCash SPV library needed!

Dear Zcash enthusiasts! We are Guarda, a team currently working on developing an SPV library and a light mobile wallet app for Zcash after winning a grant from Zcash foundation.

We have just submitted the description of the methods and functions of the SPV library and it would be extremely helpful if you could submit any valuable feedback on it. Please find the description here: SPV library API discussion · Issue #1 · guardaco/zcash-SPV · GitHub


I saw your post on the reddit forum! If you guys implement private transactions this app could be huge IMO

I’m not all that tech savvy, but it will be big that your wallet will have Z addresses!

Opening up to the mobile market especially with z addresses will be a big step for zcash and people that don’t want to download a linux distro to dl the official wallet or that doesn’t want to use zcash4win. Will the blockchain still have to sync on our phones? How would this work?

Looking forward to more news and developments on this topic. btw With the (somewhat) recent efficiency gains in memory and processing requirements for carrying out private transactions, is it practical to attempt on smartphones yet? Of course, being able to safely rely on a third party to do the heavy lifting via SPV would still be a big win.