Let’s clarify a few things here before everyone keeps trying to blame Zcash Company for editing posts (based on Cryptomineds mis-informational video).
I’m the one who went back through all my posts to make sure they are more accurate based on what I have learned recently. I overstated Zcash Companies position on one or two posts I made way back in late 2016 when I assumed that this post: Why Equihash? - Electric Coin Company was a statement of future intent.
As you can see from this post: Your investors suck and I hope you will get forked! - #76 by zooko
I’m a community volunteer on these Forums and always have been. I don’t appreciate @cryptomined s harrassment and intentional mischaracterization of my position as a Zcash Company employee (which I am not) to try to push his own agenda.
I do not work for Zcash Company and do not represent thier position on anything. I clearly explained this fact to cryptomined here: Let’s talk about ASIC mining - #94 by Shawn and he acknowledged understanding of that fact a couple post’s later in that thread. Cryptomined was well aware that I don’t represent Zcash Company when he made that video but must have “forgot” to mention it to his viewers.
I have never gotten paid from Zcash Company, I don’t get a portion of the Founders Reward, I don’t have any “insider” information, I don’t have GitHub repository access to change Zcashs code, I don’t even have an invite to the private company Slack channel.
If you go back through my post history at no time whatsoever have I said I was a representative of Zcash Company. I never say “we” intend to do this or that. It’s always “they” or “the devs” or whatever.
So ultimately what I say with regards to Zcash Company’s position on anything is to the best of my knowledge at the time and may or may not be 100% correct, I’m only human.
For the past two years I’ve been a member on this forum I’ve always been impressed with how welcoming and thoughtful the Community has been. It’s not until this latest ASIC news that I have such negativity being expounded towards the developers and towards other Community members.
As you can see from my first post in that ASICs thread Let’s talk about ASIC mining - #2 by Shawn
I’m against ASICs for the centralized production of ASIC hardware and the company behind them. I don’t look forward to selling my 1060 rig , but I ultimately have zero say in the matter since I am just a part of the community. Whatever happens I will just move forward with my life and mine with whatever hardware I can use to contribute to the stabillity of the Zcash network.
I’m still going to be a Moderator here because I still believe in the Community and I believe that Zcash is a great technological breakthough and the world needs a more ways to preserve privacy online.
Privacy is a fundamental human right and a core tenant to individual freedom.