Hola there,
I have just managed to whack together a mining rig and set up a zcoin wallet (not as easy as one would first expect). I missed getting in on the ground floor of bitcoin (god am I regretting that) and since i have a fair whack of cpu power often sitting around I thought why not?
However in the past I have often been lazy and being too shy to ask for help has often left me creating way too much work for myself that costs me in the longrun for the short term fear of looking stupid.
So I hada couple of quick questions that I hoped you guys might be able to answer for me.
So I am running two rigs at the moment - Rig 1 is a 5820k with 16gb of RAM running windows 10 and a Nvidia GTX 970. It’s getting 54 Sol/s give or take. I get the impression this is on the low side for this rig. Rig 2 is my older rig running a 3930k with 32gb RAM and a AMD 7970 it’s getting around 28-29 Sol/s.
I am currently using the nheqminer 0.4b on the 5820 and .3 on the 3930 - there doesn’t seem to be an appreciable difference between the two builds. I’m pooling on flypool because what little research I have done indicates the gentleman running it is reputable enough. The miners are using the tromp solvers for the GPUs and the xenoncat solvers for the CPUs
I’ve read that the tromp solvers are slightly faster/more optimised - I know in linux you can change the conf file to use the tromp solvers - how is this done with the windows miners? I assume that mining under a Ubuntu VM would negate any efficiency gains from using the tromp solvers for CPU (if they are indeed to be had or work that way). How do I enable Tromp’s solvers for CPU mining in nheqminer under windows? Is it worth my time doing so? Does it work that way or are they GPU only?
Is nheqminer the way to go for mining or are there better miners?
Are these Sol rates about right for my hardware? Is there anything else I could be doing to increase the rate?
Do I need to be running the zcash daemon in my linux VM whilst I am mining under windows in order to collect? That is to say does it need tobe active in parallel to the miners on windows?
I am just running it with the default flags - is there any danger of running down my hardware - I’m at 100% utilisation but system temps seem okay (mid 50’sC)
What are the best config flags - given I am just running my hardware at stock? Are there any tweaks to increase solrate?
When looking at my stats, I see things like “Shares” - whilst i have some idea of what that might mean - perhaps it’s better if someone were to explain it to my like I’m five. ALso flypool shows my hash rate at 60 compared to the solrate of 55 - is that an approximation or are they actually different metrics?
What other concerns, e.g security should I be aware of?
Thanks in advance, I cannot wait until zcash makes me an overnight billionaire, more attractive to members of the opposite sex and grows my hair back.