Digital Camp - Generation Z

Greetings, community.

We have officially started today the diffusion of this camp through social networks. We have already been spreading the word of mouth, to contacts, friends and foundations dedicated to serving young people.

The receptivity has been overwhelming! And in just 24 hours we have already registered 30 participants.

We continue to make logistical preparations, and dissemination by all possible means, so that more people are inspired to encourage young people to learn about Zcash, privacy and monetization.

Here is part of the activity’s diffusion:

Thank you for supporting us and also for sharing this activity in your networks. It would be great to replicate similar training activities in several countries.

In this forum thread I will be sharing other news and progress of the activity.


Hey Roosevelt! It’s great to see you and Aura’s hard work spreading the word about crypto, Zcash and privacy. The new generations need to learn a lot about the new tools available in digital finance to empower his life and not make the same mistakes as the previous generations. Best wishes!


Of course it is!

Young people are the next generation of Zcash users.

See you at camp!


On Monday we start with the camp, and we have 42 registered!

We will have a week :fire: :fire: :fire: :fire:



Tomorrow is the day!


This is what day 1 of Camp Digital was like - the receptivity was incredible!

40 young people eager for knowledge, asking questions and taking their first steps in blockchain, thanks to Zcash.

In my social networks I will also be sharing some photos of the daily activities.


Happy Birthday to @AuraBritoSM, Who is celebrating his new round of sunshine while we are running Camp Digital.


This was session #2 of the Digital Camp - Generation Z.

Today we worked with Free2Z and all its features. @skyl will surely see a lot of movement and new Zpages in Free2Z.


Day 3!

The young people who are participating in the digital camp are already familiarizing themselves with their wallets, Free2Z, and the Zcash ecosystem.


The guys even streamed to each other, talking about their projects.


Day 4!

We continue to make progress in the training of young people.

Here I share the summary of the day, and some photos.

Tomorrow is the closing of the activity!

@AuraBritoSM and I will be giving a report of all that was this week of training, and the reach obtained for Zcash.


And we successfully completed the Digital Camp!

Here is a brief summary of how the closing went. Thanks to all who made this activity possible.

We are already working on the final report, so that we can all see the impact that this kind of activities mean for our ecosystem.

Thank you!


Very well done on this @gordonesTV @AuraBritoSM and your team!

You managed to put it all together surprisingly quickly. Teaching how to create different types of content and use crypto together is absolutely the right approach. Its also encouraging that for all the attendees and their friends/family when crypto is mentioned Zcash will be a first thought :slight_smile:

Everyone should check out all the Free2Z posts from their camp!


Thanks a lot, @squirrel :pray:

Please, take a look to this videos… they are made in spanish, but are a sample of speech of some teenagers at the camp.

It is incredible how young people have the capacity to assimilate information. It was very interesting to talk to them about privacy and how quickly they connected with its importance.


Really cool @gordonesTV!

Make sure that people know they can create issues if they want to see anything improved:

Also, I havent formally announced it yet. But, the frontend is now open source so if anyone has react / html / css / js / ts skills they can open a PR. I have some work to do to define the program but we will make sure people get paid for their contributions.


Sure! I’m telling that to the campers!

Thanks for that! :muscle:

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Please, community, read this!

It’s in spanish, but you can translate it easily.

These were the lessons learned at the recent Digital Camp - Generation Z