ethOS +EWFB GTX 1070s no

This is my first use of this OS.

I updated as soon as I loaded.

My conf file is below

Globalminer ewfb-zcash
Maxgputemp 85
Stratumproxy enabled
Proxy wallet ,…
Globaldriver nvdiagpu
cuda_devices DEVICES

The machine boots but no hashing is occurring.


try my config

globalminer ewbf-zcash
proxywallet t10000000000000000000
globalfan 85
maxgputemp 85
stratumproxy enabled
autoreboot 2
#flags -i 3
#globalcore 1890
#globalmem 5200
#globalpowertune 248

Do I need to do anything for drivers it ewfb? Or was it all good to go after the update? I have only updated rebooted and set my conf

Yeah I’m an idiot.

I had efwb-zcash…fml