Hello, complete newb on my first attempt at using ethos, so sorry if this is a dumb question. I edited my local.conf but when my rig starts, nothing happens. Everything powers up, fans spin, nut no mining is occurring. I’ve done searching and reading, but I can’t seem to figure out what I’m doing wrong. MY readout just says Hash: 00.00 for every GPU.
My rig has 3 1080ti and 2 1080s and I’m running ethos 1.2.3
My local.conf looks like this:
globalminer 58bf95 ewbf-zcash
maxgputemp 85
stratumproxy enabled
proxywallet NamBot3000.Rig1
proxypool1 zec.slushpool.com:4444
flags --cl-global-work 8192 --farm-recheck 200
globalfan 85
Thanks for any help.