|| World's leading hashpower provider!

Genesis, please reply to how we can set up the z cash wallet with you. Where will you send our zcash?

ok, cool, we can now put our zcash wallet on genesis mining. thanks

Dear User: Minerz,

First of all we want to apologize for the discomfort created after your refund request. We should have certainly reacted in a much quick and effective manner. We are not perfect either and we want to apologize to any client that may have suffered an unwanted delay. Regarding the closed follow-up ticket, we closed them only because we merged them with the unsolved one. This is an internal procedure to keep all tickets organized. Again, we apologize for that misunderstanding.

However, I am sure that the more urgent thing right now is to solve the issue and proceed to solve your request as quick as possible. In order to evaluate your request immediately, we would appreciate it if you can inform us about one of your tickets numbers. You can also open a new ticket and write “Minerz + old ticket Nr.” in the subject.

Thanks for your understanding.

Hey Miners! Great news!

Today at 09:00 PDT the Zcash Genesis Block was mined by the Zcash team; as soon as the blockchain went live, we rolled out the protocol on our mining hardware. So far everything is going smoothly. We’re also happy to confirm for everyone who pre-ordered a 12(+1) month Zcash contract before launch that your mining hardware is directly joining the network as we speak.

The launch of Zcash marks the beginning of a new cryptocurrency era: one of privacy, through zero-knowledge and transactional transparency. We’re working hard to ensure a smooth, seamless experience - while challenges may occur along the way, we’re confident we can ensure they’re resolved with minimal interruption to your mining.

On that note, we want to reiterate that Zcash will have a slow start. This was how ZCash was designed. Let’s take a look at the current mining schedule.

The Slow Mining Start

The slow mining start spans over approximately 34 days, in which the block reward rises gradually from 0 to 12.5 ZEC until it reaches the 20,000th block. This means that on day one, there will be presumably only about 104 ZEC distributed in the global Zcash network.

Consequently, there will be low supply for trade over the next few weeks, so prices will be highly volatile.

Your Zcash Mining Payouts

You are now able to provide your Zcash address in the Genesis Mining user-dashboard to receive payouts. Please make sure to use “t-addr” (transparent Zcash address), not the “z-addr” (zero-knowledge addresses). If you can’t, or don’t want to provide an address in the dashboard yet, we will credit your ZEC balance until you do so. You can check the balance in the “orders” section in your dashboard.

We’re trying our best to process the first mining rewards as soon as possible and are optimistic that we’ll already be able to do the first payout of mined ZEC within the next 24 hours. We will follow up with more information shortly.

Other News

The Zcash team released blog posts about their security audits, and the toxic waste ceremony. The exchanges that will be trading Zcash are Bitfinex, Poloniex, Kraken, Bittrex, Bitmex and others.

If you have any questions regarding Zcash mining, our support team will be here to help everyone individually. We’re very thankful for your continued support and trust, and we will keep you updated over the weeks on what’s happening.

Exciting times are ahead for all of us!

  • Your Genesis Mining Team
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Hi i just want to know how you guys feel paying 30$ for 0,6 H/s while my 8 year old graphic card makes 20 H/s? :smiley:

Cloud miners pray on the weak and people who wanna get rich fast. And the only people getting rich are the ones selling you the idea of becoming rich.

Once again preordering cloud mining bad bad idea.

I think I speak for most Genesis customers when I say we are right f***** off. Surprised they still have the balls to continue posting here. We’re all big boys though. We shouldn’t have been so trusting. Lesson learnt.

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Please make sure to use “t-addr” (transparent Zcash address), not the “z-addr” (zero-knowledge addresses).

address zcash from poloniex “t-addr” or “z-addr” ?

lol mate, how about you show your marvelous mining tech? This forum is full of empty speech trolls leeching off the success of others. Toomin, Genesis Mining, Zeropond or open source miner coders are trying to provide a service and might charge a fee for that. Boohoo. If you don’t like it don’t buy it, and if you won’t build it yourself just stop posting alltogether. Mining can be crazy difficult job small or large scale and problems appear, you can be glad that they are so open in comms and deliver stuff within a timeframe of 24 hours for this stuff. I mean, be glad that there’s actually people trying to give you an opportunity to get involved with this stuff, otherwise you would probably just be watching. It’s unbelievable how unthankful people can be, just because they see unrealistic and manipulated prices at exchanges in the first (!) 8 hours of a freshly launched coin. Nobody owns you shit in crypto space, that’s why it got invented in the first place.

When will we get the first payout?

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Are Genesis customers able to point hashrate at a mining pool? Or is the hashrate pooled inhouse? Or is everyone’s hashrate solo-mining?

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How often are the stats in the dashbaord updated? I have 200H/S from you guys and I still see a balance of 0.00000 after a full 12 hours worth of mining. What gives?

Same here. Please make a clear statement when we receive the first payout.

still 0.00000 are you guys mining for yourself because of the high market value? Whatsup? …?

We’ll post an update on payout time asap.

The dashboard is based on payouts so it will show something once payouts have been done. Sadly it does not show current progress. It would be a cool feature to have, but not easy to implement at all. So unfortunately we do not have real time information.

The good news regarding launch,we have been mining from the start.

But we’ll come back with more information soon!


Your Genesis Mining Team

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When do we get the first payout? I have provided my wallet. You state to have mined from the start.
Why does it take so long to provide the fist payout ?

Scam companies like Gox really love the word, “soon!”. :laughing:


What GPU are you using to mine ZCASH?

zero (yet or forever).

24 hours has passed, the payout?