Will you please look at my contracts. They say 2 years. It’s on your site. I’m not making it up. I did not upload fake contracts to your site. I know the difference between a 2 and a 1. Just because you say it’s not a two year does not make it so.
In my profile under completed orders you will find three contracts that say they have a 2 year term. You cancelled them after one year.
@Swimmer63 did you think you were buying 1 or 2 year contracts when you purchased them? This situation seems odd considering Genesis’ position that they only started offering 2 year contracts in June/July of this year. Perhaps the contracts are generated dynamically and a mistake in Genesis’ code meant that when Genesis started offering 2 year contracts yours started dispalying 2 year rather than 1 year terms? Does this sound plausible to you?
Certainly possible. Although I did know I was purchasing 2 year contracts. I believe I knew that based on the what the contract itself said. The same doc I am seeing now.
I am a long time miner, but this was the only time I ever purchased cloud mining contracts.
Could the 2 years have been an error? Sure. I have no idea how their systems work.
It’s just frustrating to be told I could not have purchased something when it’s sitting right there on their website in my profile under Contracts.
@Swimmer63 If there are issues, please create a ticket via https://genesismining.freshdesk.com or update an existing one. In this case a screenshot would be very helpful.
If you want to publish ticket information on a public forum that is fine, but we will not discus private matters outside of our official support platforms.
Your Genesis Mining Team
Look at my ticket history. Everything you have asked has been done. The only response I get is “we did not sell 2 year contracts in 2015.” If you responded intelligently to my tickets then I would not have to post here.
@Swimmer63 The ticket has been reopened for re-evaluation. It needs the right people as not all have the same authorities, so please be patient.
Your Genesis Mining Team
Not a problem. I appreciate the second look.
not like you weren’t all warned 100x, you expect us to feel bad? i cant sorry.
I wouldnt want anybody to feel bad
I’m one with my decision to buy mining contracts, I’ve used a low amount just to be there at the beginning of else failed.
When investing - you gotta take in account the things you might lose.
Hello miners!
We’ve only got a few days left until Zcash launches on Friday, 28th October 2016 and thanks to our team’s hard work, we were able to increase our mining capacities one last time, so check out the pricing page for the last available contracts! After this sale we won’t be able to sell a new batch for quite some time so this is your last chance to join the network before the launch.
Additionally, we’re glad to announce that every user that bought a Zcash contract before 25th October 2016 08:00 UTC receives a full free month of Zcash Mining! This means your contracts has been extended from 12 months to 13 full months! If you’re buying a Zcash contract now before launch, you’ll naturally get that free month as well.
We made this decision also partly due to the slow mining period implemented in the Zcash protocol: This period spans over approximately 34 days, in which the block reward rises gradually from 0 to 12.5 ZEC until it reaches the 20,000th block. We hope that with this free extra month you will have a much better feeling about the Zcash starting phase.
You can find more information in our latest webcast, (some of you might find it lenghty )in which we talk about Zcash and it’s benefits and challenges.
Thanks for your continued support, we will continue to keep you informed as the launch gets closer!
Your Genesis Mining Team
I have checked the current Cloud mining contract status based on the latest offers:
Genesis Mining: 10 H/S 13 Month 466$
Increased their Hashrate x6 after initial sales + 1 free month. I am not aware if they promised to better their offer again for running contracts if their efficency increases.
Toomim: 10 H/S 12 Month 825$
Trippled their hashrate after initial sales. Did not make any promise to increase the hashrate for running contracts again if the efficency increases.
Zeropond: 10 H/S 12 Month 1.100$
(Based on their last offer and 660$ BTC price. Currently sold out).
They have doubled their contract lenght and Hashrate after initial sales + they gave a free month for genesis contracts. Based on what I have seen from them I would expect that they will further increase the Hashrate during the contract runtime again, when their efficency increases.
If you want to get the last Hashes Genesis provides you can get 3% off with my promo code iyjN68.
From another thread:
getting 13.5H/s on RX480. 6 GPU rig costs under 2k and gives ~80H/s.
Let’s be generous and call end of life 2 years. Cost/month including power and everything sits at $130. That’s $1560 per year for 80H/s or just under $20/H/s for a year…
So pricing of all the cloud mining is so terrible. Even Genesis Mining is 46.6/H/s for a year = More than 2x
If they really think customer’s profit, they should increase hashrate. But they won’t
I don’t trust it. More information.
Clearly a scam, so that’s nice I guess
It looks like scam ,but we can’t say unless we try it
That’s their business model. Take advantage of the n00bs.
Please stop posting ShutterStock picture.
Can you post a pic of your warehouse with a “Z like zorro”
Hello miners!
Due to high demand and traffic we are experiencing a slight delay for payment approvals in BTC. You can be sure every paid order will be filled. Thank you for your understanding!
@chrithepot Shutterstock picture? I’ll transfer the compliment to our colleague who made that photo, thanks
Your Genesis Mining Team
We are starting tomorrow … What happens if I do not provide a wallet in my account in time?
Can I provide this later?
If nobody can make any profit their expensive Zcash mining contracts, this company will go down in history as a scam company