There seems to be a problem with flypool
I see now you run 0.4.2.
For me only 0.4.1 works on flypool. 0.4.2 is crashing often and has this 0 Sol/s thing.
nope. i’m getting 0 sols on flypool.then the 2 rigs that worked suddenly threw invalids into the mix. nanopool seems to be the only stable pool i can mine on so far. i was using 0.5
My guess it’s a network problem.
dfamn you zec. we could have made some good money but by the time this is sorted the big money will be gone as usual
Same for me, change the worker name and you will see shares again
why would changing the worker name get shares again? it worked on 1 rig tho.
I think it is a pool side issue
yep. flypool is on and off for the last 40 minutes or so
I tested with Flypool and Nanopool and the problem was the same 0.0 and comes suddenly
yeah think its poolside as well all 3 rigs had 0/s now it seems they are all working again
it was a short flyke on flypool, its ok now
seems ok. but, on nano i was stable. on fly genoil has started closing itself?
soo many bugs
This is just to do the timed restart, you can change seconds to what you prefer and adjust the delay to avoid slow starts:
@echo off
set executable=genoil.exe
set commandline= -c -u walletaddress.workername -p z
set runforseconds=800
set restartinseconds=20
set /a counter=0
timeout 10
start “genoil” %executable% %commandline%
echo The software will run for %runforseconds% seconds
timeout %runforseconds%
taskkill /f /im %executable%
echo Restarting the software in %restartinseconds% seconds (%counter%)
timeout %restartinseconds%
set /a counter+=1
goto start
got cards crapping out to 0 sols on fly now
6x reference rx470 4GB stable at 165sol/s on version 0.5 for 8 hours without a bat file here. I left my ethereum bios loaded which is mem2000/900mv, gpu1100/900mv including 1500 memory straps. I then used WattTool to reduce the memory clock to 1900 and switch the phase gain since my cards have 6pin PCI-E power headers.
This is with a G1840 and 4GB single memory stick so I uninstalled/disabled the following background processes to help free up resources: dropbox, windows defender notifications, mozilla maintenance service, amd settings/wattman, and superfetch. Saw crazy CPU usage on superfetch a couple times so that might be an important one. 32768 virtual memory.
Started genoil with: genoil.exe -c -k zec zec -u .%COMPUTERNAME% -p z -g 0 1 2 3 4 5 -i 20 -w 64 >output.txt 2>&1
Here is my restart script, there is 2 batch file need to be created. this will ensure miner will be restarted if crashed or no share accepted every 60sec
@echo off
echo starting miner
if exist output.txt ECHO > output.txt
if exist output2.txt ECHO > output2.txt
time /t
start /MIN start.bat
set ZS2size=0
FOR /F “usebackq” %%A IN (‘output.txt’) DO set ZSsize=%%~zA
timeout /T 60 /NOBREAK >nul
echo 60sec
FOR /F “usebackq” %%A IN (‘output.txt’) DO set Zsize=%%~zA
echo Start %ZSsize% end %Zsize%
if %Zsize% LEQ %ZSsize% (
taskkill /F /IM genoil.exe
timeout /T 1 /NOBREAK >nul
echo re-starting miner
goto loop
) else (
FOR /F “usebackq” %%A IN (‘output.txt’) DO set ZSsize=%%~zA
findstr /C:“submitted and accepted.” output.txt > output2.txt
echo %errorlevel%
FOR /F “usebackq” %%A IN (‘output2.txt’) DO set Z2size=%%~zA
echo Start2 %ZS2size% end %Z2size%
if %Z2size% LEQ %ZS2size% (
taskkill /F /IM genoil.exe
timeout /T 1 /NOBREAK >nul
echo re-starting miner
goto loop
) else (
FOR /F "usebackq" %%A IN ('output2.txt') DO set ZS2size=%%~zA
goto loop2
and here is start.bat:
genoil.exe -c -u address.worker -p x -P 1 -k zec zec> output.txt
echo quit > output.txt
Damn, I forgot to add
The bat file which starts the miner should start with
at the end
So the miner will write to output.txt and submitted shares will be counted
Genoil plant every 5 minutes on my three rig I understand nothing when everything was working properly