Hello i got an problem my windows says on GPU :
Sorry this device dosent have enough resources error code 12.
My setup
6x gtx 1080 MSI gaming x ( 4/6 working fine)
H81 Pro BTC 2.0(on other rig all 6 works fine)
Corsair 1200W psu
8GB Ram (I put additional after error but still have this error soo in total have 16gb ram)
SSD aData 120GB
And some intel pentium dual core CPU
Windows 10 pro x64
Bios is up the date plase help i have no idea what to do anymore spend almost 12 hours to fix it :<
Works with 4 GPU’s but not 5? Sounds like you need to turn on 4G or/and disable sound and I/o port
ive tried disable HD sound i been looking for 4G option but couldnt find it anywhere 
are the bio’s versions the same on the two rigs?
Looked it up, it seems this board doesn’t have the setting its default is on.
Did you disable onboard video?
Will it run with 5gpu’s?
yes same version of mobo but There i got 6x RX 570 and in problem rig 6x GTX 1080
i just solved my problem with regedit changed value to 900 hex on pci now seems they are detected , now got other problem once i run my miner my pc just reset O_O
it is the latest version?
side by side compare settings, something is different.
Also here is a reddit thread about it