Here are some 1070 vs 1070ti comparison numbers

good morning, 1st post here and new to the crypto world!! I have built a rig with 5 Nvidia 1070ti gpu’s, Win 7 (64bit), ASrock H81 Pro BTC 2.0 mobo & Corsair RMi Series, RM1000i, 1000 Watt psu …4 of the gpus are Gigabyte geforce 1070ti and the 5th is ASUS ROG Strix GeForce GTX 1070 Ti…i have been recording tons of different settings, so far the most economical/efficient setting i have is:

  • PL - 65%
  • Core - +200
  • mem - + 700
  • fan - 60%
  • temp - 42C
  • Watts (kill a watt) - 650W
    I average 2370 Sol/s with an avg of 4.52 Sol/W

The highest Sol/S setup is:

  • PL - 75%
  • Core - +200
  • mem - + 700
  • fan - 60%
  • temp - 46C
  • Watts (kill a watt) - 745W
    I average 2501 Sol/s with an avg of 3.91 Sol/W

I’m debating whether to add another card and run efficiently are just run these 5 cards as high as i can (being stable).

Thoughts/comments welcomed!!!

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