This was on Zen, but the ZCash values are almost identical. Card 0 is the EVGA SC 5671 1070ti card 1 and 2 are EVGA SC 5173 1070 (fairly strong running 1070s though)
There are 4 photos, but really 2 sets of photos. The higher sols/sec were just looking to get peak numbers without caring about the watts used. I was able to get the 1070 tis higher, but not by much. Maybe 530 sols/sec at 180w. The lower sols/sec were looking to optimize about where I will run everything. I also took photos of the Afterburner settings for the 1070s and the 1070 tis. Long story short, the 1070ti aren’t much faster. Sols per dollar investment with the cards both are about the same at just under $1 per sol for my long term settings. The only real advantage of the 1070 ti seems to be that they look to be about 6-10% more energy efficent than the 1070.
Exactly. I will most likely be buying 1070tis over 1070 if all things stay equal and I build more computers. The sols/dollar are about the same, but the increase in efficiency is certainly welcomed no matter how much you pay for electricity.
Thanks @gungriffin. I’m using Ethos and upped my 1070ti config to core 2111 (+200) and 4502 (+700) with 60% power (108 Watts). I’m getting about 468 sol/s @ ~107W (4.38 sols/W). Seems inline with what you’re doing? I’ll try to tune further but I think you nailed it.
I did some further tuning since that post. I’m getting even better performance using core clock at 2125 and mem clock at 4700. From there, adjust the power to whatever works in your environment. For example, I get about 570 sol/s when running at 170 watts. Less power = less sol/s but higher efficiency. Adjust as you see fit.
I did lots of testing to get to this point. It’s been stable for me. Much higher and you introduce instability. Please let me know if you’re able to do better with a 1070 ti!
I’m using ethos 1.2.7 with the accompanying ewbf-zcash 0.3.4b miner. I get 571.3 sols/s on a Zotac 1070ti Mini @ 180Watts. You can improve efficiency by dropping power.
good morning, 1st post here and new to the crypto world!! I have built a rig with 5 Nvidia 1070ti gpu’s, Win 7 (64bit), ASrock H81 Pro BTC 2.0 mobo & Corsair RMi Series, RM1000i, 1000 Watt psu …4 of the gpus are Gigabyte geforce 1070ti and the 5th is ASUS ROG Strix GeForce GTX 1070 Ti…i have been recording tons of different settings, so far the most economical/efficient setting i have is:
PL - 65%
Core - +200
mem - + 700
fan - 60%
temp - 42C
Watts (kill a watt) - 650W
I average 2370 Sol/s with an avg of 4.52 Sol/W
The highest Sol/S setup is:
PL - 75%
Core - +200
mem - + 700
fan - 60%
temp - 46C
Watts (kill a watt) - 745W
I average 2501 Sol/s with an avg of 3.91 Sol/W
I’m debating whether to add another card and run efficiently are just run these 5 cards as high as i can (being stable).
I doubt that you would see much difference between the two. Both are good cards from a reputable company. I would probably go with the least expensive.
I am a huge proponent of running as many cards as possible on each computer so that the cost of the computer components per GPU is as low as possible. With a 1000w PSU, you could run 7 1070tis easily. Some will argue that this is more GPUs than should be used for a 1000w PSU, and I disagree.
with my ASrock mobo i believe i’m limited to 6 gpu’s. I can power them down pretty far. Should I aim for 80% of my psu capacity? so try and stay in the 800w for 6 cards?
You can likely run a M.2 to PCIe adapter to get more PCIe slots. Windows allow for up to 8 cards each Nvidia and ATI (so 8 nvidia AND 8 ATI) as I still understand it.
Your PSU can run 1000 watts to the computer, and that is what you should derive your 80% number from. At the wall that number will be higher though. So 1000 watts from the PSU to the computer will draw maybe 1100 watts at the outlet. Running at 80% is ideal, and it will make a small difference in power usage. The difference will only likely be a few percent of the total power usage though. If needed I pull up to 90 or 95% of design capacity, but I aim for 80%. I find that a power limited 1070 ti will use about 110-120 watts per card from the PSU. The rest of the computer is maybe 60-100 watts. Doing 6 1070 tis will easily keep you under 80%.
can you explain to me if there is any difference in the 1070 ti that i have (gigabyte version w/ 3 fans) vs the 1070 ti right off of nvidia website GeForce_GTX_1070Ti_3qtr_Front_Left|517x231gle fan)