Well, this month new GTX 1070 Ti was released. Is it worth mining with it? I know it is better to go with GTX 1080 for mining Zcash but I think 1070 Ti mines more Zcash than 1070. But there is that price difference.
What do you think? Worth Mining?
Souce : GTX 1070 Ti For Mining
It depends on the price. Next generation Nvidia GPU (+130%) might come in 2-3 Months though.
clearing stocks at high prices
This was on Zen, but the ZCash values are almost identical. Card 0 is the EVGA SC 5671 1070ti card 1 and 2 are EVGA SC 5173 1070 (fairly strong running 1070s though)
There are 4 photos, but really 2 sets of photos. The higher sols/sec were just looking to get peak numbers without caring about the watts used. I was able to get the 1070 tis higher, but not by much. Maybe 530 sols/sec at 180w. The lower sols/sec were looking to optimize about where I will run everything. I also took photos of the Afterburner settings for the 1070s and the 1070 tis. Long story short, the 1070ti aren’t much faster. Sols per dollar they are about the same as the 1070. The only real advantage of the 1070 ti seems to be that they look to be about 6-10% more energy efficent than the 1070.
Thanks for this post, I’ve been thinking of purchasing 1070ti’s instead of 1070’s. Sounds like it’s worth it if they can be had for the same price as 1070. Otherwise it’s pretty much a wash
depends on the prize if it will be more than what cost 2x 1060 3GB (590-600 hash/s with 180-200 W consuption) it isnt worth until you want to purchase large numbers of them and in such case i would recommend to go rather for 1080TI or wait for the new ones
2x 1060 will probably be close to $550-$600. A 1070 ti is $470 or $450 for a founders edition. If you have to factor in higher priced electric at all, I would go for the 1070ti over 2x 1060.
I would be willing to pay up to a 10% premium to a 1070 as that is about how much more they will mine than a 1070.
therefor i write depends on the prize you can get them i purchased 1060 for 218€ (gigabyte 2 fan 3GB vers) and the cheapest 1070TI is listed from 480€ upwards so no big deal for me