Hit 3.6 Sols/W on GTX 1060 - Is that good?

I managed to get 4.49 for my GPU 0. But I can not do 4 for my GPU1


me too I’m new to mining; have been reading a lot lately.
don’t really know what I did; but after a few days I ran my miner; with default setting of my gpu.


Getting same result as above image. (googled it to see if this is good or bad, where I landed here ; very happy with the ans I am seeing lol)

GPU is a GTX 1060 6GB EVGA SC.

Any one can input their MSI afterburner settings in here so that we can compare??

hope you are right; gonna try it out… was looking for something like that.
can you post the image of your afterburner setting?

is it still consistent?


How possible 1060 6gb 63W usage for mining???

anyone can tell me why?

im sorry, i have not read… i can limit power of GPU, any one can suggest my best overclock with gtx1060 6 gb? thanks

Os? If it’s ethOS you need to include “globalpowertune 63” in your .conf file