Is it worth to add a second card?

Is it worth to add a second nVidia GPU now that the zcash is dropping ?

Add GPU > mine ZEC > Sell ZEC for BTC > Buy Overwatch > Play on Ultra Settings :sunglasses:


at the moment better to replace your nvidia with amd card … =)

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We will have to wait for new miners then :yum:

Why would you try and catch a falling knife? Let it fall.

Income is cut by around 30-35% everyday. I’ve been mining with 2khs for 6 days now. I have everything in my excel and the trend is about 30-35% less every day. Someone who made 40€ 2 days ago makes around 26€ today. And its going down.

I was making over 12€ per day when I started (few days ago), now I’m getting less than 4€.
When it will become less than 2€ per day with my GTX 1070, I will just stop doing that since there won’t be much profit for me anyway.

Prehaps I’d be able to finally run Farcry 1\Crysis 1 on HIGH…

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