Is your rig paid off yet?

@aaron3719 my test rig is 2x 1060s, I also have a 970 running.

but this is irrelevant, if you run the numbers out in an actual spread sheet, and actually include all the parts, fixings, cables, power, shelving, etc etc.

Priced out a full rig with 1080 TI units, with the same results. My calculations were based on a 460 per unit price of zcash (at the time of building the sheet) My only other thought is cost of equipment is too high for me.

If you have other numbers please share. I would be happy to share my spread sheet.

I took a more conservative approach with only 3 cards. 1050ti, 1060 and 1070. Around 850 to 900sols. I’m debating on whether to get a 1060 3 gig to add to my collection. They’re all in computer cases although I already built a cage. I guess laziness is my problem

With the current price of ZEC my rigs are paid off now. Took just 10 weeks. Using pre-owned Radeons to get initial investment down. Have had plenty of stability problems and still do though.

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