How about Kudzo? Or also known as Japanese arrowroot (sort of a nod back to Satoshi Nakamoto)
Kudzo is known for smothering other plants and trees (in this case other alt coins) under a blanket of leaves, hogging all the sunlight and keeping other species( coins ) in its shade.
It has been used in Chinese medicine since at least 200 BC. As early as 600 AD, it was used to treat alcoholism,It helps with metabolic syndrome symptoms, It may ease menopause symptoms, It can regulate glucose levels, It reduces inflammation. (wanted to list all the positive things it’s known for.
These are the suggestions posted in the ECC Twitter feed so far: Nector, Yeti, Pine, Tardigrade, Hortus, Effloresce, Fruity, Pollen, Pollinate, Anther, Spring, Lily, Honey Bee. And (at the dinner table last night) my daughter suggested Honeycrisp or Gala.