I just started mining about a week ago and got the excavator v 1.1.0a miner working on zec-eu1.nanopool.org:6666
I am using 3 x 1060,s with a total of 870mhs
The first 2 days 16th and 17th June it paid me 0.01 three times both days but from the 18th things went really slow and seemed to have stayed way. Is this normal or has something gone wrong on my end? My hash rates are showing the same as when i started.
The difficulty grow and the value decrease, so yes its normal. It scared me yesterday so I canceled my orders.
You will get paid two times by day with actual stats
Alright thanks guys i was also thinking on those lines but i just thought ill make sure. I looked at other post and noticed most people talking about supernova pool etc and was just making sure that i was doing the right by using Excavator & Nanopool
HOLD. Don’t cash in - let it stay there and you will gain big.
I am getting 600+ Sol/s with two GTX 1060s and earning around ~0.0175-0.02 per day. Not bad - just need to hold. Remember, ZEC was $400+ few days back. It will hit $500 soon and you will gain big then.
ok so i got EWBF working and its shows more detail aswel
my 6 gig 1060 gets 330 sols
my 3 gig 1060 get 300 sols
So total of 930 sols.i just stated in a few mins and will let it run for 24 hours and see if it does better than excavator.Im also using nanopool again