Mac OS X Zcash Miner

Hello Everyone,

I have created a CPU miner for mac OS X that mines ZEC (Zcash). You can find it on my GitHub. I am looking for people to test out the code. It has so far worked on the machines I have tested it on, but I need a wider sample base. It is simple to use and includes an interactive input program (that is bypassable). There is a “developer fee”, but it is optional and can be run without it. All info is in the README on GitHub. As the program develops (with enough donations), this thread will become more permanent. Only CPU support at this time. More to come. To help the development please post issues and successful mining experiences here. All information helps!

Stay Loose,

GPU support is planned?

Yes. There is an alpha test currently on my GitHub for AMD cards using OpenCL. You may test it, but there are known issues. I am working on NVIDIA support using CUDA and updates for CPU making it faster. Releases will be slow as there is lack of support/desire for Mac miners. Just a fun little side project for me.