Mac port updated to v1.0.2

My port of Zcash to Mac has been updated to v1.0.2:

As always, donation information to support my porting efforts is in my profile and on my website at

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I can get this up and running on a mac. Awesome! Thank you.

Zcash says it’s mining but I’m seeing 0 Sol & 0 Equihash. Can this build also mine? Mining with the default solver. I’ve also tried Tromp solver.

I’d always use the tromp solver…and the sol/sec it displays is the average since it launched, not the average since it started mining (why is a complex matter discussed in the issue tracker somewhere :slight_smile: ), and it can take an hour or more to sync the blockchain before it starts mining. In terminal do a:
tail -f ~/Library/Application\ Support/Zcash/debug.log to see what block height its at, and compare that against the current one on

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Working like a champ! And I learned something new. Much appreciated. Switched over to Tromp.

In newer versions the Block Height is on the zcash status screen.

In your build instructions you don’t list the before running the build command? In the sprout install guide they fetch params before build. Does it matter if I fetch params after build?

I’m running version 1000150.

When I run
git clone
I get a response that says path ‘zcash’ already exists and is not an empty directory? What are the commands to upgrade?

I tried
get checkout v1.0.2
but when I run
The response is no such file or directory

I have

in the zcutil directory, but no

Building now, here’s what I did:
from the zcash directory

git fetch -v

found the name of the build was
then ran

git checkout v1.0.2-mac-gcc

yes, you can run either before or after the build, so long
as its before you launch zcashd the first time. I’ll toss upgrade
instructions into the README, thanks for the reminder!