do you have someone same error?
Thanks to you man
2016-11-15 09:15:18,400 ERROR [default] Failed to send message!
2016-11-15 09:15:18,400 ERROR [stratum] IO/Error communicating to
and freeze.
Same, problem restarts the r9 390 or hangs up.
no problem here with 0.3.3
runs fine with rx 480 stock at around 135 to 140
<<< I’m have this problem too.
Can you share how to add this miner to ethos?
$ cd ~
$ wget`optiminer-zcash-0.3.3.tar.gz
$ tar -xf optiminer-zcash-0.3.3.tar.gz
$ cd optiminer-zcash
$ touch
$ echo "/optiminer-zcash -s -u Username.Worker -p x" >
$ chmod +x
$ ./
That’s what I do on Ubuntu. But should work for ethOS aswell.
My miner with 6 rx470 8GB keeps crashing every 5 or 6 hours running optiminer with this message.
Any ideas on how to fix this?
151 H/s RX480
193 H/s Fury
196 H/s Fury X
Claymore V6.0
-i 2
time to install dual boot with windows on my rig
or can optiminer top claymore?
Funny -i can go up to 4 and its 5h/s faster LOL
151 H/s RX480 (same with -i 2)
198 H/s Fury
206 H/s Fury X
Claymore V6.0
-i 4
This looks like a crashing script in Firefox.
Anyone tested 280X or 7970 with Claymore v6?
Jesus. Claymore V6 is a beast.
getting 145 sols on rx 470 4 gb. lets see if its stable. whats your score?
145 Sol/s with V6
My r9 280x just do 100 on Claymore
Optiminer did 130
CRASH HANDLED; Application has crashed due to [SIGSEGV] signal
Aborting application. Reason: Fatal log at […/logging/easylogging++.h:5627]