Miner- Optiminer/Zcash GPU miner v1.7!

do you have someone same error? https://github.com/Optiminer/OptiminerZcash/issues/7

Thanks to you man :slight_smile:

2016-11-15 09:15:18,400 ERROR [default] Failed to send message!
2016-11-15 09:15:18,400 ERROR [stratum] IO/Error communicating to zec.coinmine.pl

and freeze.

Same, problem restarts the r9 390 or hangs up.

no problem here with 0.3.3
runs fine with rx 480 stock at around 135 to 140

<<< I’m have this problem too.

Can you share how to add this miner to ethos?

$ cd ~
$ wget https://github.com/Optiminer/OptiminerZcash/raw/master/`optiminer-zcash-0.3.3.tar.gz
$ tar -xf optiminer-zcash-0.3.3.tar.gz
$ cd optiminer-zcash
$ touch start.sh
$ echo "/optiminer-zcash -s zec.suprnova.cc:2142 -u Username.Worker -p x" > start.sh
$ chmod +x start.sh
$ ./start.sh

That’s what I do on Ubuntu. But should work for ethOS aswell.

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My miner with 6 rx470 8GB keeps crashing every 5 or 6 hours running optiminer with this message.
Any ideas on how to fix this?

151 H/s RX480
193 H/s Fury
196 H/s Fury X

Claymore V6.0

-i 2

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time to install dual boot with windows on my rig
or can optiminer top claymore?

Funny -i can go up to 4 and its 5h/s faster LOL

151 H/s RX480 (same with -i 2)
198 H/s Fury
206 H/s Fury X

Claymore V6.0

-i 4

This looks like a crashing script in Firefox. :joy:

Anyone tested 280X or 7970 with Claymore v6?

Jesus. Claymore V6 is a beast. :heart_eyes:


getting 145 sols on rx 470 4 gb. lets see if its stable. whats your score?

145 Sol/s with V6


My r9 280x just do 100 on Claymore
Optiminer did 130

CRASH HANDLED; Application has crashed due to [SIGSEGV] signal
Aborting application. Reason: Fatal log at […/logging/easylogging++.h:5627]