Don’t give up the hope. It’s a neat crypto. Very unique. I think it will be around a while.
I was not at all pleased with how Claymore screwed mrb. So for a giggle I wrote a short script to use with his miner. It searches his output log for devfee start and adjusts the gpu clocks so the miner goes from 160 Sol/s to 3. Yep 3 The when it sees devfee mining stop, it reverts the clocks and resumes mining at 160 Sol/s. GOD I love me should be in /usr/lib primarily, but it may be under /opt somewhere (/opt/AMD ?). The include files, cl.h being one, are in /usr/iclude/CL on my Ubuntu 14.04, but again they may be under /opt.
I have a mixture but my AMD boards always seem to just work as opposed to Intel (unless you know the exact model can support 6/7). The GIGABYTE GA-990FX has been rock solid for me for example.
Or you could use silent miner…
could you make your script available for download?
I doubt it. I’ll wait and see Claymore’s response. Claymore stole from mrb, got caught, and paid almost nothing for doing it. HOWEVER, that does not give me a right to fuck Claymore. That is mrb’s right if he so chooses. I just posted a small snippet of measures that can be taken to shut Claymore down in a heartbeat. 5 fucking ZEC after prices had plummeted. You gotta be kidding me!
BTW, there is more than one way of doing it. Claymore’s devfee initiation and checks are all but non-existent. For a laugh when you see dev mining start, close the miner and delete the log files and restart the miner. You’ll see what I mean
I am trying to “freeze” silentarmy python in a file to check if there is any improvement in cpu usage (at least with nvidia version). Has anyone tried this before? Maybe it is useless…
I released SILENTARMY v4. See top post for more info. Full changelog: silentarmy/ at master · mbevand/silentarmy · GitHub
how do you update in 16.04?
git pull or re download it?
$ git pull $ make clean && make
Just do a simple:
“git pull”
Thank you both
20words etc etc
I guess Claymore will finally release nVidia support now
Hi guys,
I really hope someone can help me please.
After doing a lot of reading I finally flashed my first RX470 8GB card and it worked fine BUT when I restart and get to desktop and open anything I get a blue screen.
It was a modded bios from the ETH forum that someone used and said worked fine for him…
Does anyone have modded bios that helps with SOL/s and WATTS for the Sapphire 480 8gb please?
I was told the blue screen is because I need to lower MHZ, but I am not sure where in Polaris bios to get that done since there is 2 different boxes.
Any help please?
This is the driver version im using:
[img]//[/img] Thats Catalyst 15.8, right?
Have not tried those before.
Have to check those this afternoon.
I think so. As mentioned before, it is important what settings you are using in Bios. The pcie GEN1 or 2
I tried with Gen1 most of the time, as I red before that I should use it.
But I think I set it to Gen2, remove all amd drivers clean, and try again with 15.8.
yes but soon we should have a v5 windows release from marc
so wont be a need for windows users to pay 2.5%
In China a cracked claymore exe is circulating around, just 2% fee, and i think that fee goes to the cracker… so they are avoiding sending claymore fees
I have it if anyone is brave enough to test it