Sorry if this is not the right place or theme is repeated.
Given the cost of the hardware, which you think is more rentabel in 2 years. Invest $ 3000 for 100H / s hardware and electricity and mining during those two years, or buy Zcash few months after the initial speculation. How get more Zcash?
There is really no way to tell. I guess if you “believe” in Zcash from the beginning, you would want to start mining ASAP.
Hi @abromide
I have set up a virtual machine on my i5 laptop with 8 GB RAM running ubuntu. The zcash mining is now running for the past four days with no block hit. What is the chance of hitting a block? I was told it is like winning a lottery on going solo. Well it was a fun experience. My first time setting up to mine and it was successful. So happy.
Its impossible to tell at this point HOWEVER you are much better off either building your own rig OR buying the coin directly then cloud mining.
Thanks @adaseb for giving me the options. btw what is a rig? I am totally totally new to mining. Going in for the learning experience and the whole fun of hitting a block, if any.
Try Youtube and search for Litecoin mining rigs OR Ethereum mining rigs.
The setup is identical to ZCASH.
Same setup, but not even available a good GPU miner
What do you think about AMD Opteron 6380 CPU for start?
Thanks for the info @adaseb
At this point I am quite clear, you can spend 1500 + 700 light, and waste your time for 1 year, performing upgrades, maintenance of miner, upgrades, software updates, restarts to earn a few ZEC. Or you can buy ZEC at today’s price, and for $ 1500 buy about 30ZEC or if we add Light expenses and expect it to go down to 0.01 which is what seems to buy 300ZEC. Definitely, mining is not profitable with this currency because you can compare ZEC cheaper than mining, the logic is that mining get more ZEC.